Here it is May's RPL pattern. It is a pattern to make a very large collar takes between 14 and 15 yards of cord and 11 rings. There are 2 pieces to the pattern so make sure you down load both of them.
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Here it is on ravelry

There is a new blog I want to tell you about. She started the blog just to help my group on raverly but figured others would want to go there too who are interested in RPL. She grew up doing this type of lace during the cold war times and tells stories of learning how to do this with her mother and the hard times of that era. But she also tells you how to make RPL cords, pattern drafting and in time so much more she is going to have a RPLAL in July so go over quick tell her sunshine sent you. Get your pattern ready make your cord and get ready for master help.
Beautiful collar!