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Love Sunshine
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Making beaded earrings
Wanted to work on a quick project this morning for a gift for a friend. I got a little more into it than I had planned on. I mean once you get beads out you want to play a little well maybe you don't but I do. So a lot of drop wire earrings got made this morning. I had a lot of fun making them sometimes I forget how much I like beads. All the beads I was using are glass and most are lamp-work. Someday I may know how to do lamp-work but I don't currently.
All of these earring are available in my etsy store. http://www.etsy.com/shop/VintageThreads
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pen and Ink Work in Progress

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
20-21 days old
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4 girls |

Saturday, April 23, 2011
You can help save a Museum!
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Gutenberg Printing room at the Museum Photo CPM |
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Click on image to go to bigger size to print Photo CPM |
Why am I interested in helping this museum here is some of mine and its history.
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Front of Crandall Historical Printing Museum photo CPM |
Well that dream I had other people have had such as Louis Crandall but he lives his dream which might be turning into a nightmare.
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click on image for better view Photo CPM |
15 years ago he had a dream to open up a 501(c)3 non-profit museum all about movable print and where it came from and where it has gone in history. Located at 275 East Center Street in Provo , Utah 84606 in a very small little building that can easily be missed when driving past in this building his dreams came to life. This modest little building houses some amazing items in printmaking history. Movable type has changed the way the human race has looked at the world and interacted with it.
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Johannas Gutenberg Photo CPM |
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Gutenberg Printing Press Photo CPM |

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Inking the type Photo CPM |

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Original page from a Gutenberg Bible Photo CPM |

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Benjamin Franklin Photo CPM |

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The Declaration of Independence set in type using type made from the molds that the orignal publication in the newspaper used. Photo CPM |
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E.B. Grandin Photo CPM |

Next leap 2011 the internet has concurred the world and people carry around digital books the text and touch and feel of a book are fading away from us. As a bookbinder and printer that is a hard thing for me to grasp I so love reading a book and gaining knowledge from it most hings I do I have done becasue of books and being able to sit and teach myself. I love books old and new there is something about them that draws me to them. The economy is languishing and many museums are closing their doors and not for the weekend but permanently to never come back. There is a legacy to be had in our history and what got us here as a world the printing press has changed the face of this earth. It has helped create nations and it has set people free spiritually progress has moved forward becasue of type. Please help this museum stay to give a great legacy in our children yet to be born.
If you have been there and know the value of this museum and what it stands for or if you feel touch by my notes here call, stop by, donate anything to help and do it fast or they will close their doors and you may never be able to see the wonders of this museum. It is truly a one of a kind place.
If you are interested in looking at their web site go to Crandallmuseum.org (they have a donation link in place on there but are having technical difficulties with it and paypal). If you choose to donate to them you can mail them money ( if you do make it rush so they get it in time to save the museum)or call and use a credit card or stop by and give it in person and enjoy the museum too. They are working today to get the credit card/paypal thing fixed on their web site but have been told it may take a few weeks to get that all fixed.
Here is their contact information once again
Crandall Printing Museum
275 East Center St.
Provo, Utah 84606
phone (801) 377-7777
Gifts to the museum may be made in all forms check/cash/credit card
Small donations are welcome as they all add up to something great in the end. The museum is a 501(c)3 tax exempt public charity Federal Identification number 84-1422774 (you get a tax write off)
Several photos in this post are not my own but are cutesy of Crandall Printing Museum CPM
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
twin leaf scarf update

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
13-14 days old

It is getting much easier to feed them as some can drink from the water bottle which is full of 50/50 water and unflavored pedialite. They are also still being feed 50/50 water and evaporated milk. We are calling them all "little chubbers" ( this is said in an endearing way ) as they are all so round now. When they sit it looks like a little fuzzy round ball not an animal they are so round. Which is pretty cute I have to say. Some have asked what we are feeding them so that is why I am posting this. As I have already mentioned some above, but they also are eating small seeds and grains ( from normal hamster food we have removed all the large items) that we have added some rolled oats to and wheat germ, and wheat bran, and powdered milk and cooked egg yokes mashed with powdered milk on them. Every now and again a frozen split pea to give added moister and it is just fun to watch them try and hoard the frozen item from each other as they all want them and of course do not want to share.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Ocean Spray twin leaf scarf

Brown Easter eggs for dyeing
If you use brown eggs instead of white with your traditional Easter egg dyes you will get richer colored eggs. Here I will show both white and brown eggs dyed with the same dye I have let my eggs set in the dye bath for 10 mins.
Supplies and how too
- Easter egg dying kit (just the basic from the grocery store) use as described on package
- Brown and white eggs boiled as usual
- Let eggs set in dye for 5 to 10 mins.
If you like the speckled look of the eggs pull out after only 3 mins. Other wise leave in longer for a jewel tone look to your eggs. Here are my eggs that I dyed in alternating rows of brown eggs and white with the colors used above each other so you can compare the colors for your self and see the difference the color of the starting egg makes on the finished item.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The fun of being mom
You know when you tell a child they can have pet you always know in the back of your mind it somehow is your pet too even if you didn't want it. The children all made promises to take care of their hamsters and they have done a great job. The mother hamster died and we truly do not know why something to do with the birth is all we can figure. The babies are so small it is too great a responsibility for my girls to take care of and be at school all day , also because they are scared they will hurt them. So the job has fallen to me I remember vaguely doing this as a kid with my cousins hamsters and I hand-fed many a baby bird growing up (my mother use to raise birds to sell so it happened often I would have to feed some from the incubators). But you know I just had not planned on this and the lack of sleep. At the same time they are cute and have done nothing wrong. Yesterday we figured that they truly had not had a good meal in a few days from mom as they were so so weak, sleepy, skinny and starving. This morning after around the clock feedings they are active running and eat not near as much at one setting as they did yesterday, I would guess their little tummies are staying full.
My girls made a little pink coffin for the hamster and buried her in the yard yesterday and carved (scratched) into a little stone the name Midnight and said good bye to their hamster. Children are so sweet and tender hearted I feel bad that they have to go through this but at the same time it is part of the life cycle birth and death. They learn so much in a matter of hours having pets. I know most of my readers of this blog probably wonder why I am talking about the kids pets well. This has been such a growing experience for them to learn where babies come from in detail trust me they understand it all, we have had in depth discussions as to exactly how babies arrive from start to finish, to why parents die when their children still need them and how to help those who can not help themselves. It touched me and I wanted to share. Plus hamsters are cute at this age you won't get me to say that when they are grown and cranky but for now they are cute. Three of the hamsters love this pumpkin to sleep in their mama did for a little while too so it probably smells like her. Every thing else in the cage is new and clean so they will not get sick. But she wasn't in the pumpkin when she was sick so figured it was ok.
My girls made a little pink coffin for the hamster and buried her in the yard yesterday and carved (scratched) into a little stone the name Midnight and said good bye to their hamster. Children are so sweet and tender hearted I feel bad that they have to go through this but at the same time it is part of the life cycle birth and death. They learn so much in a matter of hours having pets. I know most of my readers of this blog probably wonder why I am talking about the kids pets well. This has been such a growing experience for them to learn where babies come from in detail trust me they understand it all, we have had in depth discussions as to exactly how babies arrive from start to finish, to why parents die when their children still need them and how to help those who can not help themselves. It touched me and I wanted to share. Plus hamsters are cute at this age you won't get me to say that when they are grown and cranky but for now they are cute. Three of the hamsters love this pumpkin to sleep in their mama did for a little while too so it probably smells like her. Every thing else in the cage is new and clean so they will not get sick. But she wasn't in the pumpkin when she was sick so figured it was ok.
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