This is on the door of my sewing room. I was home from church on Sunday with two sick kids, one who has been sick since Monday at 5 a.m. the other just for a little bit (I think indigestion or something fleeting like that). The first I am thinking this is her last day of being sick; no fevers today, just a cough and a runny nose. Cross my fingers; sleep would be good after a week of being kicked at night and woken up for water, medicine, and socked in the mouth a few times while asleep. Yep, she wakes up scared from the fevers and comes out swinging. She has quite the hook on her; I have the fat lip to prove it. She apologized so many times when she was awake, but I told her it was OK because how can you be grumpy at a person who does something in their sleep, and doesn't know they are doing it, and is sick? I just can't. Anyway back to the topic: I wanted to write about socks, the type you hang by the fireplace, not the type you get in the middle of the night from a sick six year old.
I have been trying to figure out what to get, make, my husband's older sister and her family (I don't think they read this blog, I think the other siblings do on occasion). Anyway, I remembered an old promise (10 + years old) that when they where done having kids I would make them all Christmas socks. Well, she is pregnant and said she was done two babies ago. So I figured I best just make those socks and add as needed. Counting bun in the oven, there are a total of eight in that family. So I got out my fabric samples from upholstery store books and got to making some socks. Eight in one day! I thought it would take much longer than it did; I hope they like them. There are only two females in the family, so the rest are for boys; I hope at least six look boyish, or at least passable for a boy.