- Day one of working on the final Maddy and I cartooned in where the lines where supposed to be for our project.
- then we taped off the sections
- then painted in the background for the bricks ( we were not worried about an even nice edge on the top as we knew when we painted the shingles they would cover that area
- let dry ( if we had had time we could have gone to next next step with out letting it dry) Each class period is 50 mins. so each day is 50 minutes of work for us
- below is the photo graph where the entire class was at the end of day one
- Day two of the final. Maddy and I wet brush three different colors onto our foundation to get the basic texture of the bricks this i was brush strokes going in all directing in three colors first the original color but wet again, and orange and yellow working dark first and light last.
- let dry we had enough time to do this and go to next step on the same day
- cartoon in the bricks we both do all steps except where stated other wise just I can't take a photo of myself so the person you see is my partner in this project Maddy.
- paint in mortar lines
- cartoon in the stone placement and paint mortar lines around them too
- below you see where everyone was at the end of day 2 of working on the final
- Day three of working on the final we painted in the rocks using three colors
- painted the shingle area using gray earl
- cartooned the window area
- masked off the window area so we could start to paint the windows
- painted in the window shutters using earl gray
- let dry
- dry brushed on with black and white
- let dry
- used yellow and green paint using the same techniques we used to do the clapboards which was to put the paint on a wood block and drag across the previous layers which we had
- below you can see where everyone was at the end of day three
- day four
- started off doing two glazes on the shingles one browish and one greenish
- we also glazes all the bricks with three different colors of glaze redish pink, purplish , and a yellow
- we also did the cartooning of the shingles
- followed by dry brushing in the black and white on the shingles to give them form
- this is how everyones work looked like at the end of day four
- day 5 and 6 I was working on my own as Maddy had a competition in Washington D.C. she had to go to which she won so she gets to go to Korea and represent our country at the national level for scenic design. so proud of her.
- On this day I noticed a mistake n our project we had done the shingles wrong part was supposed to be a beveled panel. So I set to work fixing that. But I had run out of that paint and would have to wait till the teacher bought more
- I also worked on the high light and shadows on the rocks winds, stones,
- day six no Maddy she was still at the compationt during this time.
- I continued working on shadows and highlights on everything
- worked more on the shutters to fix the mistake
- this is where everyone was at the end of day six
- Day 7 Maddy Back
- we cartoon in where the curtain goes
- Add yet more shadows to the bricks and rocks and shutters
- Maddy worked on the curtains and the background while I worked on painting the bushes and flowers we both painted in the branches of the bushes
- what everyones project looked like at the end of that day
- Day 8
- we taped off where the window sashing went and I painted those while maddie added more shadow to flowers
- then madded added shadow to the curtain while I added highlights to the plants
- Maddie also added hinges to the window while I did more shadowing to the plants and window shutters
- We also added depth to the shingles since those things havce a thickness and ours did not yet
- This is where we left off going into the final
- for the final we might add a pie if there is time to the window ledge or plaid to the curtain but we are actually already done and those things would just be for fun.
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Love Sunshine
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Love Sunshine
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Sunday, April 30, 2017
final in scenic painting all the faux finishing in one project
brick and stone faux painting
- first paint the back ground with roller in neutral gray this will act as mortar
- cartoon in brick and stone make sure to vary the size of the stones use charcoal so it can just be brushed away
- next paint in the brown stone brick with brown
- then pain tin the rock using dark brown tan and a light brown
- let these steps dry
- next glaze the stone with yellow red and purplish black
- Then speckle spatter paint the entire piece with mustard yellow and black
- let dry
- paint in mortar between bricks
- let dry
- add shadow to brick and stones thinned purplish black color again
- let dry
brick and quoin faux painting with dentals
- Paint area with orange ( this is the brick color)
- let dry
- mask off area for quoins to protect them from next step
- Using three colors paint brick back ground ( colors are orangeish brown, red , yellow wet brush these into each other...
- let dry
- remove tape
- and reposition tape to paint in the quoins
- paint quoins with a cream white color
- remove tape
- cartoon in bricks
- cartoon in the quoins
this is one of my classmates work as I forgot to take a picture of mine in this stage I asked them permission before I snapped a photo - cartoon in the rest of the wood trim ( cartooning is in charcoal so it can be brushed away)
- glaze bricks with three different glazes purples reddish and yellowish
- let dry
- paint in grout lines with gray try and make some of the brick look used or broken
- spatter with thinned paint in black, yellow mustard color and whit eif you wish 2 to 3 colors should be used
- add shadow and cut lines gray is the mortar color and this purple black my shadows
- you are shadowing the quoins and the bricks
- start to paint in the cut lines and shadows on the dentals and the other wood trims
- h

- base coat of white gesso in this case
- let dry
- cartoon in the side panel
- dry brush in gray and brown following grain of wood as this is how most people pain too ( side to side or up and down not random)
- let dry
- Next glaze over the entire piece with a wood like color once again going in direction of the wood does not have to cover everything in fact better if you don't makes for a more weathered look
- let dry
- next use a block of wood covered in paint to scrape on your paint color once again in the direction of the wood.
- let dry
- use purple black glaze to pain tin shadows and cut lines
- let dry
- use white to pain tin highlights
- let dry
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