3 fabrics cut in 1 1/2 inch wide stripes
sewing machine and sewing supplies ie: scissors, rotary cutter, mat....
clear quilter's ruler for truing up
Go to it!
First two pieces are 1 1/2 inches square. From there, it is follow picture and sew and cut till done. This is a more follow-the-picture type of thing and true up as needed. Be careful, there shouldn't be a need for truing up and you have no tolerance for it either. I like to use a scant 1/4 inch seam; that gives me just a little fudge room. Just so we know, the block is square: a nice 10 1/2 by 10 1/2, but I didn't take the photos from dead-on; the lighting issue and kids-under-feet issue. First block is just the three fabrics cut in 1 1/2 inch wide strips; the rest are sewing order.
Side note: the last two photos are of the same finished block (oops), and they are rotated wrong, too. This is what I get for doing this when I am sleepy, too.

I figured out why I have two of the same block at the bottom of this between picture 1 and 2 on row three. There should have been two more photos; I haven't a clue where they went, the photos that is. But I think everyone can still follow well enough to make the block and life goes on. You see those two last blocks were supposed to be in the construction layout just at the top or bottom of this post. Sorry folks!
It's easy to follow along. Just look for the strip that goes the entire width of the block without another strip cutting it off.
ReplyDeleteHey! I landed here while looking for a flower yoyo tutorial, I haven't found one yet but I am glad I found you! I love your tutorials, keep up the good work. I have just promised my readers 1 tutorial a month. What was I thinking? I have only done a few but they are so much work! Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying seeing your BOMs evolve--they're so cool!
ReplyDeleteIsn't the name Greek Key?