"Okay here is a link to a beautiful lamb's wool afghan from the Garnet Hill catalog (really pricey but nice stuff)
My question (besides wishing that I had $328 to buy it):
I don't know anything about crocheting. Does anyone know what the pattern is? If I knew I could google it and see if I could find one cheaper. Or is this what one would expect to pay for something handcrafted? (it is imported).
I know some of you will say I could make this. Crocheting is not my thing at the moment but I guess there is always hope...."
Here is my response
That is actually cheep (I would buy it instead of making it). If you want to go to their site, click on link or picture and you will go there. But if you want to make one similar here is my version of it below.
**If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns I would like to make.
Thank you in advance for being kind and
saying thank you back.
Love Sunshine
But please do not feel like you have to**
on to the pattern
Name = hexagon grandmothers flower garden or you can call it a hexagon granny square ( even though it is not a square)
Looks like this would be a similar pattern I am drafting while typing and looking at zoom of the picture so forgive me.
sl st = slip stitch
ch = chain
dtr= double treble
sp = space
x = times
() = do all this together / also a type of repeat
* = start of repeat
** = end of repeat
nxt = next
j = join
ch 6 close to form ring ( meaning slip stitch in first chain)
round 1: ch4 ( counts as first dtr now and through out pattern),dtc 2x in ring *ch 2 3dtc in ring**5x, ch 2, slip st top of turning chain ( in top of ch 4).cut thread and finish off you should have 6 sets of 3dtc and 6 sets of ch2
Round 2: j new color yarn to any ch 2 space of previous round, ch 4, 2 dtr in nxt ch 2 sp, ch 2, 3 dtr in same sp, *(ch 2, 3dtr, ch 2, 3dtr) in next sp**5x sl st to top of starting ch 4. cut thread and finish off
you should have 12 sets of 3dtc and 12 sets of ch2
Round 3: j new color yarn to any ch 2 space of previous round, ch 4, 2 dtr in nxt ch 2 sp, *(ch 2, 3dtr, ch 2, 3dtr) in next sp, ch2, 3dtr in nxt ch 2 sp* around skipping last part in red the last time. J to top of turning ch. Finish off thread
you should have 18 sets of 3dtc and 18 sets of ch2
j to other blocks with needle and yarn back loop only of stitches
I haven't proofed this, meaning I didn't make it; I just looked at the photo link you provided and started drafting. So now if any of you wonder why I type a lot using parenthesis you just found out why. I write like I draft patterns. Since I draft patterns more than I write, my writing looks more like drafting not the other way around.
OK now you have a drafted pattern; I usually charge 30 - 50 bucks for that but here it is for free for who ever wants to use it. This one probably 30; if I had to make a sample 50. This is known as reverse engineering if any one is curious. Have fun ladies!
Update Nov 10
I looked at the photo again this morning and noticed a gray yarn shell boarder
so add this to pattern above
after all blocks are joined together
Special Instructions
shell = 5 dtr in one ch 2 space if using the dc instead of dtr it would be 5 dc in one ch 2 space also you would only have a chain 3
Attach yarn in edge ch 2 space chain 4 form shell do the same in every ch two space that is not in the bottom most part of the V where two blocks join in this spot sc in corner ch 2 space ,sc in next corner continue in shell pattern do this all the way around. Join with sl st to top turning chain finish off threads done
This is for the afghan they don't sell any more the link now goes to a similar afghan but the stitch counts are different than this one as mine has 3 dtc per set and the new one has 2 dc

If you find a mistake and let me know I will update this post.
how cool! now I am really impressed! you are one cool chic Sunshine! You figured that all out just by looking at the picture....is that talent or what?!! Gosh do I wish you lived close by..I'd love to have you teach me some of the things you know.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually wanting to learn to crochet..I think I'm going to go by Michael's arts and crafts they had a real nice kids book with illustrations and step by step directions for all the stitches , including using that filet crochet thread....so I certainly would love to learn how to do crochet work like my granny used to do and like you do..my granny loved to make the doilies from the thin cotton thread and to do the filet crochet where there was a picture in the design.
Oh..that reminds me..I'll have to take some pictures of some of the doilies and things that I have from my grandmother to share with you...and I'll send a picture too of how I displayed the apron you made for me.
Thanks Tina that would be neat. Filet crochet is one of the easier crochet types to learn all it is for basic is chains and double crochets and maybe a few slip stitches. If you get more advanced in it it can have crossed stitches, trebles, bobbles, and popcorns, but most people don't use those any more it is more archaic (sp)
ReplyDeletep.s. the pattern might be dc above instead of dtr if so one less stitch on turning chain. Some parts of the picture look like trebles and others it is hard to tell can't zoom in close enough for a good look either way will work and look similar if not the same as the picture.
well thank you miss sunshine. i won't be making it since i don't know how or have the time to do this even though you are very generous to share that pattern. i really figured it wasn't too much because it is handcrafted although i have my doubts about how much they actually paid the crafters (but that's a whole 'nother topic).
ReplyDeleteHi Susan,
ReplyDeleteThis is a "granny square" afghan (although these are granny hexagons). There are a couple of great things about this type of afghan -- 1) each hexagon is created individually, so you never feel like you are working on an overwhelming project (until maybe the end when you have to sew them all together and 2) It was designed to use up excess yarn, so it's very frugal.
Supposing that you were to buy wool yarn for this type of afghan, you'd likely be out $100 or so before you even started paying for labor (now you know why it's so high!).
You could save money by buying acrylic yarn, but the finished product won't be as nice. I love a superwash wool for afghans, but again these products are not cheap.
Here's a motif pattern for this afghan:
It only requires a knowledge of chain stitch and double crochet. If you really aren't up to doing it yourself, I'd recommend finding a friend or relative to work it for you. If you get lucky and find an extra generous one, they might even use their yarn scraps :)
Hope some of this helps.
ReplyDeletelink is another granny hexagon very simialr one row less than pictured and way more open but very lovely for thread work. You would lose much detail in yarn. that is why the other looks so much denser. It also has a differnt starting than the one shown at the top of this post.
the white one has alot of the same stitches ch ,sl st ,dc, but it has a sc too
Kind of a strange pattern you found Tziporra most don't count the starting chain as a round and that one did very unique. Also it has a boarder going around it of sc for some reason this one doesn't have that( the one from garnet hill).
ReplyDeleteWhat size crochet hook would you recommend for this?
that all depends on the yarn you use. As I don't have mesurements of the finished block it is only a guess on that part more than likely a "G" for regular yarn at any yarn shop they should be able to tell you what hook goes with the yarn you buy. If you have a tight tension go one hook bigger if you have a loose tension go one hook smaller. I know that is not a good answer but since this can e done with thread up to bulky yarn do according to what ever yarn you buy.
ReplyDeleteJust so you know all these comments above this post where dragged here from MJF so in case anyone had the same questions thanks Sunshine
here is the link at MJF to this topic
Please put them on one line then you can go there it was to long for one line to post here beta blogger erased part of it when I tried before
the above two sentence are the link to Tziporras block I noticed afterward the beta blogger chopped off the end so add those two lines together and you have the entire link
thanks sunshine
Love your blog and your attitude. But tell me, what is MJF? You refer to it often. Julie in Alaska
ReplyDeleteMJF stands for Mary Jane's Farm she is an organic farmer in Idaho who has published her own books, and has a bi annual magazine, she also has a forum on the web site that is mainly women but men can be on it too. very positive place not like most forums. There is a link on my side bar to her web stores but I will post a link her to her forums if you want to check them out. On the forum I am just called sunshine.
hopefully blogger will not cut off the end of the link.
to Julie
ReplyDeleteI tried to email you and your friends but your blogger account is blocked so I just posted the answer here I hope you get it. Thank you for your question
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for a pretty granny square afghan pattern -- I might try this one after I get a baby blanket done that I've been plugging away at. I LOVE granny squares because you can get all your farmgirl friends (or in my case, my crochet buddies at the assisted living facility where I volunteer) to make up a few too. It's great to hve a project that everyone can work on over a cup of coffee!
This is a beautiful afghan! Wish I had lots of lambswool yarn so I could try to make it. Thanks, Sunshine, for the pattern. I may try my hand at making a few of those granny squares. It's on my list. . . . (which is longer every day!)
ReplyDeleteSorry about the blocked blog. It is a private one I share with some internet shy (one had her identity stolen)friends. They live far away now and we use it as a way to share our projects with one another. Thank you for the link and explanation. Julie in Alaska
ReplyDeleteI also try the reverse engineering with making copies of old crochet items. Check out my blog. One of the crochet hearts on my blog is 90 or so years old. My husbands Mor-Mor used to make them for christmas. I was assured from her daughter, that she made the pattern, even though others claim they have.I posted the pattern on About.com a few years ago. Since her pattern was never copied, just in her head, someone had to figure it out. I did it! How fun is that! Your site is great. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteI'm new to crocheting so excuse me if the answer is obvious, but I noticed sometimes you use the abbreviation DTR, and sometimes you use DTC. Are these both for a double treble crochet stitch?
yes those are both terms used for that same stitch I see them and read them so much to me they are interchangeable thank you for noticing that I usually do not