Here is ruffly a 6 min video I put together to help the two Romanian point lace groups that I admin on Ravelry and Flickr. I am hoping this will help other people here too that read my blog. Since there is not much information in English about this type of lace. I hope to be able to make a pretty good data base here for people to reference instead of doing what I had to do it.
Which was buy a lot of books that have been out of print for over 40 years that are in Romanian and figure it out on your own when I don't read Romanian and a few in French and German too same issue I don't speak those languages either. Yeah fun! I hope to be able to help others travel down this path a little easier than I did. Please feel free to join either group. There will be A RPLAL every month in the Ravelry group starting, December 2011currently and going to next December 2012. So there should be plenty of opportunities for you to learn how to do this. If you do have questions please feel free to ask here or on Ravelry or Flickr you will probably get the best responses on Ravelry and here the people on Flickr are less active. Sorry for the spots in the video that are a little blurry but I hope I explain it well enough that, that does not hamper you from learning.
If you notice I have a hard time pulling the needle through the cord that is becasue I forgot to grab a tapestry needle and accidentally grabbed a ,illiners needle a sharp one, which doesn't work well as sharp needle splits the threads inside the cords and binds up. A tapestry needle pushes the threads to the side and glides much better between the threads for a smoother motion.
Also please excuse the black nails went to a 1980's Christmas party and that is left over from that.
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Love Sunshine
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Love Sunshine
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