I used vintage military buttons as a pin at the neck and at the bottom of the collar and on the sleeves. The buttons come from a great aunt of mine and my Vavo both of which are in heaven. I am keeping the costumes after the play so I am not worried that I will not have them anymore. There is only one of the eagle one I used at the collar. The rest of the buttons all match each other and have anchors on them.
The fringe on this dress (at the collar and hem) was given to me a few months ago by a dear friend of mine, we have been friends for over 20 years. She gave me a lot of different fringes and trims so you will be seeing them a lot in this play. The black you see on the collar is a black velvet ribbon I found thrift shopping a few years back. The white braid around the black velvet is clearance trim from hobby lobby. I have this habit of picking up things I think will be useful in the future just I never know when that is in the future. Some times days or weeks sometimes years. I also used black upholstery cording on the white collar and red around the sleeves just to give it added touches here and there. Just because the item is made for furniture does not mean I can not use it in costumes you would be amazed at how many upholstery trims I use and how much upholstery and drapery fabrics I use.
The collar is made of two layers of velvet ribbon back to back with eyelet lace inserted between them. The zipper on the back is hard to see but it is a real dark dark pink almost looks red. I found 2 backs 3 weeks ago thrift shopping that had about 40 zippers in them not back for about 6 dollars spent. This is one of those.

It is hard to see in the photos but there are 4 growth pleats around the bottom of the hem of this dress. Those pleats took up a total of 12 inches of fabric length to make this the right height for the player.

The daughter wearing the above dress is a little too small for it and my oldest daughter is a little too big so it will look better on the actual person I made it for especially since she has raven black hair and is a very pretty person in general.

I have another set of pantalets that I am making for the character Amy in the play. Since that character likes nicer things hers will be made out of eyelet fabric. As if she took the time to embroider her under garments because she wanted finer things is the thinking there. I will update when they are done to this post.
Yes the photo is black and white. I wanted it to have an older look to it looked to bright in color with a bright orange quilt behind her to hide me sewing table from the picture. Silly but there you are.
Update say day:

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