So I did some other things like clean house and spin a little yarn and start a pair of knitted gloves light weight stuff that would not hurt so much. Which is saying something considering holding the remote control for the TV hurt to the point I could not do it , because of its weight go figure. My arms are almost back to normal and I will go back to sewing on costumes later today. More info on these gloves I am making them up as I go along ( I am writing it down) they are sock weight yarn that I spun see previous post on that. And I am using 2 circular knitting needles in size 2 more on the pattern to follow if you want to knit a pair with sock yarn or your own bits of this and that homespun. These gloves actually are brighter than they appear in these photos I could not get a good picture today all the natural lighting at the time was a gray morning so not so good. But I hope you get the idea all the same. It is interesting to see the different textures the yarn gets because of the different yarns spun into it.

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