I don't know about you, but when I was a child we hunted for tin eggs. I am not an old person (mid thirties) so this wasn't to terribly long ago. During the time it took me to go from being a child to having a child they seemed to have stopped making this type of Easter decoration and converted to plastic. I have been looking for tin eggs since 1998. I know that may seem silly, but they hold fond memories for me, and I have a hard time likening the plastic ones to Easter even though I own a ton of them. I have found all of these tin eggs at thrift stores. So here is my requests from anyone who reads this blog. If you know of places on the Internet to buy them, please let me know by leaving a comment to this post with the location on the Internet. Thank you.
The other item pictured is a real large paper mache egg that I covered with antique scraps about eight years ago. I just thought it was neat and figured there had to be other people out there who like scraps, so I showed it.
Gobs of them on E-Bay. The only new ones I can find are filled with very expensive gourmet chocolates in Europe. I did see some at Target the other day but they were also filled.
I've looked at target, walmart, 5 different grocery stores, pier one, etc.... I have not even found one. So if you saw one that is amazing. I have seen them on eBay. I was just hoping for a more bulk sort of thing if possible so I could get 20 or so.
ReplyDeleteWe must be about the same age, and I have never seen the tin eggs before! They are much much nicer than the plastic ones! Hope you find them!