I have all the rings made and basted down as I do all the cord. I use a sharp needle for this "sharp being the name of the needle". I have yet to weave in all the tails which I use a very dull needle for a crewel or tapestry needle. I let my oldest daughter pick what would be the filling threads of the lace. Tutorial on how to baste down the cord.

The cord is made from size 10 Vintage Coats and Clark variegated yellow thread using a size 10 steel hook. The filling threads will be all be size 20 threads: Omega variegated yellow discontinued I believe, Vintage DMC bright yellow, and Sissy pale Mustard yellow I think this is also a discontinued color. I buy lots of discontinued threads and thrift store threads that are no longer made. Main reason is it is cheaper when something is discontinued it goes on clearance and that is when I buy it a high quality item at an inexpensive price. I believe I am going to use the variegated for the petals of the flowers the bright color for the leaves and the mustard for the background filling stitches. You can use more colors if you like but it gets a little busy especially since I used variegated to begin with.

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