We just finished Easter today! We did Easter in California where I grew up on Easter Sunday. We did Easter in Utah today where my husband grew up. In California it is more of an egg roll and kids nine and under hunt.
In Utah it is everyone hunting and I think the Easter bunny has wings and a very weird sense of humor. My husband tells stories of the Easter bunny hiding eggs at the bottom of the flour bucket in the kitchen when he was a kid so you had to empty the entire bucket to find your egg.
This year the kids had to find 4 plastic eggs and two boiled ones and a basket. My husband and I had to find 1 boiled egg each and 1 basket between us. You would think this would be done in a matter of minutes; try 2 hours later we finally find all but one egg and we found one egg from the previous hunt a week ago when all the cousins did their hunt. Not to mention the week prior the cousins found an egg that was hidden the year before. That Easter bunny hides eggs way to well! There was one egg we couldn't find -- a plastic one. So if any cousins read this, there is still an egg hiding in grandma's yard. If you find it, you can have it.
As you can tell this one was hidden on the flag pole wrapped in a banner. You could only see it very well from one side when the light was shining through it. Try to figure out how the bunny got up and how the kid is supposed to get it down.

If you think being a little kid will make it easier to find your basket, you're wrong. You may find it, but getting it is not as easy as it may look. May have to hire help on this one. Call in Grandpa.
As you can tell, it is not an easy hunt if you are a kid. Now if you are a toddler or preschooler, not so bad to find the basket low to the ground, but the egg hunt -- that is the real hard part still because adults and kids are looking for the same eggs. Oh course, the littlest daughter thinks she is a real big girl because no one had to help her get her basket down. Unlike sisters and Mae (pronounced My means "Mom" in Portuguese).
Side note: mine was in the top of a bush about 4 feet above my reach. I just looked at my husband and said, "It is yours, too, so I will let you can get it down." We had a lot of fun and all got a little bit of a sun burn too. You wouldn't think that would happen at 9 a.m. Weird weather.
Those are great shots of the Easter Hunt! (I am slow getting through some of the older blogs I missed.) I had to laugh at where your daughter's basket was hidden and Dad lifting her to get it!