I planted two wisteria plants three years ago. They are supposed to bloom in the spring and had never done that to this point.
I assumed they were getting acclimated to the ground and all. Just a few days ago I noticed that they have their first bloom on them. Nothing like a confused plant it thinks Fall is Spring.
But I am so glad it did because I was starting to think I had purchased the wrong plants and that it was a plant that would never bloom. Just goes to show you, God knows all and does all in His own time. Thinking about the plant didn't make it grow; God did and not when I thought it would. It is interesting how we always assume things should be done when we want them to be done; that doesn't always happen. I never gave up on the plant. I watered it and pruned it and weaved it to make it grow where I wanted it to. I was rewarded with a single bloom, but that is all it took to make me smile. Thank you, God, for a last little smile before winter sets in and makes everything white.
hi, I live in Melbourne Australia and have grown a wisteria in the ground over an arbour for the last 2 years, before which it was in a pot for 5 years. Every year in autumn (your fall) it sets some flowers, not as many as in spring but a few. So yours is behaving just as a wisteria should.
ReplyDeletePerhaps it's mother nature and not a higher power? Either way it sure is a beautiful flower. I'm sure you'll get spring flowers next year.
Mine didn't do as your did it never bloomed in 3 years spring or fall this is the first sign that it can flower.
ReplyDeleteYes I love wisteria too I pray and hope it does bloom next year I will have a very lovely covered porch then.
thank you for your comments what ever the case I am happy with my flower.