- Paint area with orange ( this is the brick color)
- let dry
- mask off area for quoins to protect them from next step
- Using three colors paint brick back ground ( colors are orangeish brown, red , yellow wet brush these into each other...
- let dry
- remove tape
- and reposition tape to paint in the quoins
- paint quoins with a cream white color
- remove tape
- cartoon in bricks
- cartoon in the quoins
this is one of my classmates work as I forgot to take a picture of mine in this stage I asked them permission before I snapped a photo - cartoon in the rest of the wood trim ( cartooning is in charcoal so it can be brushed away)
- glaze bricks with three different glazes purples reddish and yellowish
- let dry
- paint in grout lines with gray try and make some of the brick look used or broken
- spatter with thinned paint in black, yellow mustard color and whit eif you wish 2 to 3 colors should be used
- add shadow and cut lines gray is the mortar color and this purple black my shadows
- you are shadowing the quoins and the bricks
- start to paint in the cut lines and shadows on the dentals and the other wood trims
- h

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