She gave me this, and now I think I am supposed to pass it on to five other blogs that are special to me in their kindness for helping people and just being a good blog. So here goes my list of people and blogs.
- Penny over at Penny Sanford Porcelains
- Betz iver at Betz White
- over at eloominator; this is a new blog, but I love weave-it looms
- Alicia Paulson over at Posy gets Cozy; you can also check out her store, too, it is real sweet
- Eren Sanpedro over at "this Vintage Chica"
- Moonstiches; I just loved her afghan, and she has a lovley site and seems very sweet
- another lovely blog is Paint in my hair by Laura Gunn; she has a lovely store, too, with her paintings in it to check out as well
Need to correct something! I'm eLoomanator, not Licia. She has a great website and product. I just try to show people how to use the looms!
fixed as it was your blog I wanted to link to.