The things I want to know are
- What size needle is usually used ( I think size 000 or 0000)
- Stitch count per inch or centimeter
- What type of thread or yarn and the type of content ( I think cotton but since that doesn't have much give I assume the stitch count has to be almost perfect with not stretch or a tiny bit small help please)
- In American ( English) terms if possible please I only know a tiny bit of Portuguese my grandmother never taught her children to speak it so as a grandchild I only know little bits and pieces
- If you know of this and have images please share me
- why the color scheme of red and yellow
- how one starts the cuff ( i can tell is is stockinette stitch with a picot edge then stockinette again) but how long is that area
- how one does the spiral toe ( have a pattern that I hope will help me with this)
- on average how many rows in the cuff before picot edge turn
- is the cuff knit closed while knitting or is it stitched afterward
- is there elastic in the cuff
- ... anything any one can help me with to learn to make these
My family has its roots in the Portuguese culture and life. ( Azorian to be exact) I want to add this to our lives since I now live so far away from where I started the the little Portuguese community I grew up in. Little bits of all things Portuguese make me happy I am very much interested in making these for my little family. They are traditionally worn by female since there are four of those in my family it will keep me busy.
These obviously below are not adult human size just mock up someone did or for small children. But there are some photo of some adult humans do wear.
None of these are not my photos not sure who to credit but this is the style I am looking for. These below are life size

Good luck with your search for information. Stunning socks!