I have wanted to make beaded flowers, berries and things of that sort for a while. When I was modifying that dress the other day I got the idea that this would be a good time to experiments with it.

So I got out some floral wire beads and sequins and set to work. First I made all the large pumkinesque shapes and wrapped them all together. Then I made the orange berries and attached them to 1 side then the other. Lastly I made the clusters of sequins and attached them. I attached a few sequins early to see if I would like them in the finished product. Finally all this was sewn onto two hair comes for placement followed by E6000 to make sure it stayed in place.

I have a few photos of what I did but this really is not a tutorial on how to do this but if you know anything about wire-work and beads you could do this easy enough. I might make a tutorial later of how to assemble the pieces of this. But I am not sure on that yet time may not allow for that. Sorry I did not take any photos while doing the pumpkinesque shapes as I was making them while sitting at piano lessons with my children.
You can see more photos of this project in
my beadwork set on flickr.
For a first try not to bad next time I will make the wire match better I wish the wire had been copper or brass in this case. I think the children will enjoy wearing this for Shakespeare week but first it was made to match the dress I am working on and will be worn to a fall harvest homecoming dance. Maybe it will be worn at Thanksgiving too.
I am thinking of doing another with snowflakes for winter.
Excellent accessory for fall. Terrific work!!!