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If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns (click here)
I would like to make. Thank you in advance for being kind and saying thank you back.
Love Sunshine
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns (click here)
I would like to make. Thank you in advance for being kind and saying thank you back.
Love Sunshine
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Saturday, January 14, 2012
Mom's lace
I made this piece of Romanian Point lace when I was teaching myself many years ago from an image i saw on the internet. It has lots of mistakes in it and things are a little wonky. But you know she loved it and had it her front room for many many years. Yesterday my father in law gave it back to me. Sort of a happy bitter moment happy thoughts of mom bitter becasue I will not see her in this life again.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Romanian Point Lace cord
lace cord made by my daughter, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.
My oldest daughter has made 28 yards so far and as you can tell there is still more there for her to make. She is only 14 so I believe all children can learn this skill.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Video: Fabric Yo-yo tutorial
One of my friends wants to teach her children some beginning sewing so she asked me to make a tutorial for her. So that she and her children can learn this and are able to review it several times. These are fabric yo-yos also known a Suffolk's puffs and Buttons in USA during the 1930'sand 1940's.
Other useful info on my blog: If you just want to see some examples here are all the posts on my blog about yo-yos alot of them. In these examples you will find how to lay them out what some ideas are for things I have used them in. Also there are tools out there if you want fancier ones. Some talk about other people that do yo-yos, examples of vintage yo-yos, there is a lot of info on here. Have fun searching through it all. Also good luck teaching the girls you will need to let me know how it goes.
Other useful info on my blog: If you just want to see some examples here are all the posts on my blog about yo-yos alot of them. In these examples you will find how to lay them out what some ideas are for things I have used them in. Also there are tools out there if you want fancier ones. Some talk about other people that do yo-yos, examples of vintage yo-yos, there is a lot of info on here. Have fun searching through it all. Also good luck teaching the girls you will need to let me know how it goes.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Video: Removal of basting threads from RPL
This is sort of self explanatory but just encase someone has a question on this.
Video: Removal of RPL from Pattern
Removal of RPL from pattern. Sorry my phone rings half way through in the video and my door bell rings at the very end too. No one else called during the day or rang the bell it just had to happen in the 11 mins. I was making this video. I apologize for that but the rest of the tutorial is fine.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
RPL purple doily finished
finished, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.
For those who wanted to see what it looked like done. I should have taken this from a better angle and laid it out neater. But I still think you get the idea all the same. Have a lovely day.
update : my middle daughter has claimed this as hers to use in her "Monster High" doll house as a rug. Funny it is about the right size for that but I have not given in yet. As I want to take photo at the end of the year with all the items made for the year and make it the top picture in the Master RPLAL post. So told her maybe at the end of the year when I have my photo she can have it.
update : my middle daughter has claimed this as hers to use in her "Monster High" doll house as a rug. Funny it is about the right size for that but I have not given in yet. As I want to take photo at the end of the year with all the items made for the year and make it the top picture in the Master RPLAL post. So told her maybe at the end of the year when I have my photo she can have it.
Part 3: Video center filling stitch
This stitch is similar to an English whirl but not exactly the same.
Part 1: Video Fagoting for crescent shapes RPL : 1500 post
This is a fagoting stitch that works well for crescent shapes. Meaning shapes that are larger on one side than the other.
On a total side note this is my 1500 post on my blog wow just noticed that. I also want to say thank you to all those that commented on my last post it means a lot to me. For some looking at the stats below and reading all the nice comments on the last post tell me there are nice people who come and visit often most just don't have much to say. thank you
Update states as of 6 am today
Total 802,082 Wonder how long till that reads a million that is amazing to me
Average Per Day 485
Average Visit Length 1:48
Last Hour 22
Today 87
This Week 3,396
Total 1,489,664 WOW almost 1 1/2 million
Average Per Day 876
Average Per Visit 1.8
Last Hour 37
Today 132
This Week 6,135
On a total side note this is my 1500 post on my blog wow just noticed that. I also want to say thank you to all those that commented on my last post it means a lot to me. For some looking at the stats below and reading all the nice comments on the last post tell me there are nice people who come and visit often most just don't have much to say. thank you
Update states as of 6 am today
Total 802,082 Wonder how long till that reads a million that is amazing to me
Average Per Day 485
Average Visit Length 1:48
Last Hour 22
Today 87
This Week 3,396
Total 1,489,664 WOW almost 1 1/2 million
Average Per Day 876
Average Per Visit 1.8
Last Hour 37
Today 132
This Week 6,135
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Rant I had to get this out
I had a comment posted onto what use to be my yoyo tutorial post that sort of set off a bad taste in my mouth. The tutorial was removed because I am under contract with Annie's Attic to have it removed because they purchased it to help me make a book and the person was mad that they couldn't get their freebee. For those who follow my blog and know I love to make tutorials for people I have over 102 of them thus far. I really would like some feed back on this. Sorry my rant is below for those who have been kind to me in the past and leave nice messages Thank You! You are much appreciated!
Here is what the person wrote
To anonymous.
You are free to feel that way. You are welcome to boycott Annie's Attic and my blog. Please move off the grid it will save the rest of us a lot of grief and you will be much happier. But in doing that I hope you have the knowledge and skills how to make your own thread to weave your own clothes, grow your own food build a house and so on. Commercialism = commerce = barter and trading of ideas and goods. You better be 100% self sufficient with out any one else.
But for me Annie's Attic was a major blessing for my family has had some hard times the last few years that I have not posted on here too personal. Having people buy a book that had several patterns that I never would have made otherwise (helped us greatly financial). So no one would have had those patterns if Annie's Attic had not commissioned a book. Which the sale of paid for bills and my family had food on the table, lots of medical expenses paid and so on. I understand people wanting free things but I also understand artisans needing to feed their families and for the need for them to be paid for their hard earned skills. This didn't take anything away from anyone the tutorial plus the now patterns that Annie's requested are still available in book and PDF formats and there is more variety for those who can only follow patterns and can not make things up on the fly. It is a blessing not the opposite. There are plenty of free things on my blog that people are very grateful for but in all honesty that is me being nice to people I don't know which isn't always the most beneficial for my family. Same is true for other artisans we love to share our work we do it for the love of it and a lot of times we don't get paid ( most of the time) but it is nice to get appreciated, and thanks and paid every now and again too (far to far apart).
With out commercialism of old time arts most of them would be dead the Internet , books and their publishing companies will take our art to new audiences is absolutely a blessing. My goal when I started this blog was to write a book (I have a hard time writing and being concise and clear scared to death of writing actually). But I wanted to be commercial and leave some legacy for my children that they could see and hold. I have written an entire book had a chapter in another edited two other books and been in quiet a number of magazines/emags and in over sea newspapers. I don't see that commercialism has hurt my family it has made my family stronger and brought me out of that shell. It has brought more people to my blog because they now know of me and it because of those other mediums and they come here and find more info and are surprised by all the free things. I have an entire year of free tutorials that are happening on this blog that I am currently in production of. I have over lots of patterns for free on ravelry and you are complaining about 9 patterns that would never have existed if it wasn't for Annie’s Attic that and 1 free tutorial when I have over 100 free on here. REALLY!!! Because your comment makes me want to remove everything that is free on my blog and on ravelry because you sound so ungrateful and a cheapskate who wants everything with out paying for anything.
You do realize that almost every tutorial on my blog has some where between 30 and 90 hours to make from making the item, making pdfs, drafting patterns, to photographing, editing photos, writing up a tutorial and doing lay out so let say I have 100 tutorial on here that is 3000 to 9000 hours of my time (closer to the later and that doesn't even cover the other 1000+ posts on here that are information too and take hours to do as well that takes more thousands of hours). You seem to think you have a right to have for free without even a thank you and you are to afraid to even write your real name you write anonymous.
I get paid to teach classes the tutorials on here take more time than teaching a class because I have to write them all out instead of just explaining which is fast. Then take photos which takes forever instead of just making the item. You should pay me for this free knowledge that I have spent many years learning and paying for. I have taken classes so I could learn from little old ladies in their homes dying arts because I can't find information any where else or buying books that are rare and hard to find in different languages and trying to decipher what I see in these old images to figure out how to make the items I see. Well that money sure is not in my pocket so I can put food on the table feeding my family. It was and is me sharing my love of what I do with those that are grateful for it and want to learn and don't know where to begin to find information. It is also so that when my children grow up if anything happens to me they can still have the knowledge in my head and carry on what I know and love. I am fine with that copyright going to Annie's Attic I want to make more books too it was fun and I enjoyed it.
Ladies if you can feed your family and work from home and be a full time mom go to all the school events and take care of the kids when they are sick by all means give up a copyright or two or more.
I am open minded and let the above comment be published. I want people to understand with out commercialism on some things a lot of the old arts would die real quick. Books are long lived I have books in my home that are over 100 years old they have survived a long time and I still love them they are the knowledge of generations before me that thought enough to put their knowledge into a book and put it for sale. I wasn't even alive when they wrote them but I buy them old and used and enjoy and love them and learn much from them.
Knowledge gained free is usually worth what you paid for it NOTHING!!! Knowledge you have to earn or work for or even pay for is valued and passed on and down for generations to come.
Sorry I posted this on Sunday as I do not like to post on Sunday (especially a rant) but this just bothered me too much.
Feed back wanted and I am grateful for it.
Thank you for your time I appreciate all of you
much love
Wendy "Sunshine" Harbaugh
I just don't feel like I am "Sunshine" today
Nickname I was given in high school becasue I brought a little ray of sunshine into all my friends lives and so they started calling me that. I feel like I brought a dark cloud today.
Here is what the person wrote
- Anonymous said...
- so sad when this happens. I won't buy from Annies attic because they are closing down the free distribution of patterns in this way. Please don't let your copy right go ladies. Commercialisation of old time arts and crafts is too much!
- Sunday, January 08, 2012 7:33:00 PM
To anonymous.
You are free to feel that way. You are welcome to boycott Annie's Attic and my blog. Please move off the grid it will save the rest of us a lot of grief and you will be much happier. But in doing that I hope you have the knowledge and skills how to make your own thread to weave your own clothes, grow your own food build a house and so on. Commercialism = commerce = barter and trading of ideas and goods. You better be 100% self sufficient with out any one else.
But for me Annie's Attic was a major blessing for my family has had some hard times the last few years that I have not posted on here too personal. Having people buy a book that had several patterns that I never would have made otherwise (helped us greatly financial). So no one would have had those patterns if Annie's Attic had not commissioned a book. Which the sale of paid for bills and my family had food on the table, lots of medical expenses paid and so on. I understand people wanting free things but I also understand artisans needing to feed their families and for the need for them to be paid for their hard earned skills. This didn't take anything away from anyone the tutorial plus the now patterns that Annie's requested are still available in book and PDF formats and there is more variety for those who can only follow patterns and can not make things up on the fly. It is a blessing not the opposite. There are plenty of free things on my blog that people are very grateful for but in all honesty that is me being nice to people I don't know which isn't always the most beneficial for my family. Same is true for other artisans we love to share our work we do it for the love of it and a lot of times we don't get paid ( most of the time) but it is nice to get appreciated, and thanks and paid every now and again too (far to far apart).
With out commercialism of old time arts most of them would be dead the Internet , books and their publishing companies will take our art to new audiences is absolutely a blessing. My goal when I started this blog was to write a book (I have a hard time writing and being concise and clear scared to death of writing actually). But I wanted to be commercial and leave some legacy for my children that they could see and hold. I have written an entire book had a chapter in another edited two other books and been in quiet a number of magazines/emags and in over sea newspapers. I don't see that commercialism has hurt my family it has made my family stronger and brought me out of that shell. It has brought more people to my blog because they now know of me and it because of those other mediums and they come here and find more info and are surprised by all the free things. I have an entire year of free tutorials that are happening on this blog that I am currently in production of. I have over lots of patterns for free on ravelry and you are complaining about 9 patterns that would never have existed if it wasn't for Annie’s Attic that and 1 free tutorial when I have over 100 free on here. REALLY!!! Because your comment makes me want to remove everything that is free on my blog and on ravelry because you sound so ungrateful and a cheapskate who wants everything with out paying for anything.
You do realize that almost every tutorial on my blog has some where between 30 and 90 hours to make from making the item, making pdfs, drafting patterns, to photographing, editing photos, writing up a tutorial and doing lay out so let say I have 100 tutorial on here that is 3000 to 9000 hours of my time (closer to the later and that doesn't even cover the other 1000+ posts on here that are information too and take hours to do as well that takes more thousands of hours). You seem to think you have a right to have for free without even a thank you and you are to afraid to even write your real name you write anonymous.
I get paid to teach classes the tutorials on here take more time than teaching a class because I have to write them all out instead of just explaining which is fast. Then take photos which takes forever instead of just making the item. You should pay me for this free knowledge that I have spent many years learning and paying for. I have taken classes so I could learn from little old ladies in their homes dying arts because I can't find information any where else or buying books that are rare and hard to find in different languages and trying to decipher what I see in these old images to figure out how to make the items I see. Well that money sure is not in my pocket so I can put food on the table feeding my family. It was and is me sharing my love of what I do with those that are grateful for it and want to learn and don't know where to begin to find information. It is also so that when my children grow up if anything happens to me they can still have the knowledge in my head and carry on what I know and love. I am fine with that copyright going to Annie's Attic I want to make more books too it was fun and I enjoyed it.
Ladies if you can feed your family and work from home and be a full time mom go to all the school events and take care of the kids when they are sick by all means give up a copyright or two or more.
I am open minded and let the above comment be published. I want people to understand with out commercialism on some things a lot of the old arts would die real quick. Books are long lived I have books in my home that are over 100 years old they have survived a long time and I still love them they are the knowledge of generations before me that thought enough to put their knowledge into a book and put it for sale. I wasn't even alive when they wrote them but I buy them old and used and enjoy and love them and learn much from them.
Knowledge gained free is usually worth what you paid for it NOTHING!!! Knowledge you have to earn or work for or even pay for is valued and passed on and down for generations to come.
Sorry I posted this on Sunday as I do not like to post on Sunday (especially a rant) but this just bothered me too much.
Feed back wanted and I am grateful for it.
Thank you for your time I appreciate all of you
much love
Wendy "Sunshine" Harbaugh
I just don't feel like I am "Sunshine" today
Nickname I was given in high school becasue I brought a little ray of sunshine into all my friends lives and so they started calling me that. I feel like I brought a dark cloud today.
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Jan. RPLAL round doiley tutorial
For all those doing the January RPLA I let you have the first week of the month to recover from holidays and to get your pattern transferred to the fabric, cord made and basted and all the joinings of the cord done this includes the joining on the side of cords too. Hint: the other two patterns tutorials will follow in short order so you better have them ready as they will be up soon. Soon being in the next 2 weeks. As it does take a little while to do the filling stitches and I want to complete each one before I go to the next. In that way you can see what the finished item looks like. Well at least see what it looks like in the colors that I have chosen. Please feel free to add your finished piece to the ravelry group or the group on flickr I so hope to see many wonderful works from all of you.
On to the tutorials
Sorry I did not have my husbands camera when I was doing this and my camera was being a little weird on focusing so here we go. I plan on going back today and doing a video hopefully that will be clearer but ti is a gray day so I may have to wait a day or two. That will be in a separate post
On to the tutorials
Sorry I did not have my husbands camera when I was doing this and my camera was being a little weird on focusing so here we go. I plan on going back today and doing a video hopefully that will be clearer but ti is a gray day so I may have to wait a day or two. That will be in a separate post
Master RPLAL list for 2012
Notice the new header. That is a hint of some of the future RPLAL
that will happen this year. I see January, February, June, October
and November and just some I am doing for me and not the tutorials.
There are others for those months that I have not shown yet but the entire year is planned. I may add more as the year goes on but this is how i t stands so far.
I am hoping having this be the first post of the first month in 2012 will make it easy for people to find it for future reference.
This is the main post for the series of tutorial I will be doing all year long. I will update it after every new post and add the links. And there will be photos added so you can have a visual reference on the right side of the post of what each project looks like.
If I do not write solid on a doily it means it has a fabric center for you to embroider on and I will not be going over that area as that is for you to decide what you want to do there. Here is the list for the next 12 months and what will be taught.
I am hoping having this be the first post of the first month in 2012 will make it easy for people to find it for future reference.
This is the main post for the series of tutorial I will be doing all year long. I will update it after every new post and add the links. And there will be photos added so you can have a visual reference on the right side of the post of what each project looks like.
- RPL: Romanian Point Lace
- RPLAL: Romanian Point Lace along meaning a lot of people are working on this at the same time and there are forums to ask your questions on as well as here
- solid: no fabric in the middle all filling stitches and cord.
- tile: means it is square probably and will work well for making larger items by making many of them and tiling them together like granny squares
If I do not write solid on a doily it means it has a fabric center for you to embroider on and I will not be going over that area as that is for you to decide what you want to do there. Here is the list for the next 12 months and what will be taught.
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Copyright/permissions info
I like to share on this space my ideas and projects.
Please don't take ideas or photo and claim them as your work.
I am always happy to have new links to me. So if you like something just link back to me and give the source some credit thanks.
Any questions? just ask. I am happy to work with you if you need something