In this post my oldest daughter is making some fingerless gloves. When she had finished them she had some wool left over that she didn't want. So she traded me for some acrylic instead to make some Amigurumi dolls. When my middle daughter saw the blue wool she wanted wrist warmers made from it not fingerless gloves. So I did one then got busy and forgot all about this. Yesterday will going through my unfinished knit projects I found this and figure well I can get that done in a little bit. So today it is done and she is excited to use them next fall for school.
Real simple pattern
size 6 needles and corresponding size yarnstring on beads I used 2 colors so ever other bead is a different color in a pattern yellow then pink repeat end with yellow for a total of 10 yellow and 9 pink, 19 beads per wrist total 38 rocaille beads
**If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns I would like to make.
Thank you in advance for being kind and
saying thank you back.
Love Sunshine
But please do not feel like you have to**
cast on 25 stitches
1. you knit every stitch row knit ever stitch slide yellow bead in place on 5th stitch
3. knit every stitch slide pink bead in place on 10th stitch
4. knit every stitch
repeat lines 1-4
till all beads are used
Now just knit every row until you have wrist warmer to desired width cast off and sew sides closed
On a side note ours was 72 rows
repeat process for second wrist warmer
Super simple don't know why I didn't finish them I think I was going back to school to help out after I had recovered from my operation and life got busy.
I used size 6 needle but you can use what ever yarn and needle work together and will fit your beads. Remember the small the yarn/thread the more you will have to cast on. And the larger the yarn and thread the less rows you have to do.

Don't forget to sign up for the book giveaway for my blogiversary you still have a few weeks to get your name in to the hat.

really nice!I adore the beading too.