So, July 5th is my blog's anniversary (blogiversary). I can't believe it has been two years since my
first post. I decided I wanted to give away a reproduction copy of one of
GGH aprons (which apron reproduction that can be won is still a surprise that will be posted the day before the winner is announced). You haven't even seen all of the aprons yet, so it is a big surprise (over 30 of them); way more to come.

All are welcome to enter; just leave a comment on this post about either something you learned from my blog in the last 2 years, or something you just liked that I posted, or something you would like to see more of on my blog (no profanity or anything of that sort), or all of the above is fine, too, and please leave a way for me to contact you. A winner will be drawn on July 19th; that gives you a few weeks to leave a comment. Tell all your friends. This should be fun. I will close entries at 5 p.m. on the 19th, Utah time. Plus I should have all of Great Grandma Harbaugh's aprons posted by then, too, for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks, sunshine
I really enjoy many aspects of your blog Sunshine. All of the handwork is exsquisite. I love all of the crochet work, the temari balls(sp?), the yo-yos...the rag rugs, the quilting..it is all so wonderful .You have so much talent and what I love is that you are always so willing to share with others how they too can create lovely items. I have enjoyed the post where it shows your daughters learning crochet..the photo of the little daughters hand in yours was oh so very special. Congratulations on your "blogiversary".
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower of your blog and so far I LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteI have really enjoyed the apron a day. I don't have any memories of family members wearing aprons except for Grandpa's white butcher apron.
tutorial please. i read blogs for the pics and tutorials! i love your blog! come by my blog and enter my giveaway! http://www.nowenteringmomville.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI learned how to make rick rack ornaments.
Gosh, what haven't I learnt from your blog since I started reading it?
ReplyDeleteI think my favourite things must be finding out about oya lace and that your yo-yo tutorial encouraged me to try making a yo-yo quilt for my brother's and sister-in-law's wedding present. 1,600 yo-yos went into that quilt and I'm thinking of making a little one for my upcoming baby. I'll have to back that one with fabric to stop little fingers getting caught in the holes though. And I think I'll have to use a larger template to get it done in time (only 6 months to go!) :)
Hi Sunshine,
ReplyDeleteAm I the first to sign up? Well, there are SO many things that I like but I think my favorite is your tutorials. They are easy to understand and you explain everything so well. I loved the ornament one you did. The aprons fron your grandmom are just beautiful! You are definitely blessed. You remind me of the verse that says "she works willingly with her hands".
Your blog is absolutely wonderful. I have spent hours going through all your past projects and ideas. Thanks. The aprons, though, are my favorite. I have enjoyed each and everyone that you have shown. They bring back such wonderful memories of days when life was so much simpler. a.haun@sbcglobal.net
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed looking at your aprons~~~
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th!
I just found your blog and am so excited to explore all your cool ideas and projects. I found you by searching for "Yo-yo" project ideas, so I'll be checking things out. I, too, inherited a bunch of my Grandmother's aprons, but GOSH they were skinny back in those days!!! Have a great holiday!
For sure my favorite so far is the advent yoyo tree and all the little ornaments that can be made for it. I. want to make one with my 3 girls this fall.
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying the apron show too.
Just started reading your blog. I absolutely love the hexagon granny squares. I also love the oxymoron of "hexagon-square". Anyway love your work. I will be reading more as the days pass. ^__^
I just found your blog, I loved the continuous lace, and have started one like it in white, size 11 hook, 10 thread. It looks like a fun blog and look forward to seeing more.
ReplyDeleteI made a reproduction apron to give to my friend who collects them and loves them, which I loved so much I made another to keep.
How exciting! I came here today to tell you how thankful I am for your English Paper Piecing tutorial and to see if you had one for any of the other shapes and to tell you how much I am enjoying seeing the aprons from your GGH collection. They are bringing back a lot of memories for me. Happy Blogiversary and please keep sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteYou have such a lovely blog, Sunshine. I found you last year at MJF and fell in love with your yoyo creations ... especially the little green yoyo trees ~ my personal favorite.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such lovely projects. And congratulations on your blogiversary!
I just found your site through your Yo-Yo quilt picture on Flickr from August 08.
ReplyDeleteI like the triangle scarf pattern... going to have to try that one.
Looks like I'll be enjoying your site now and in the future!
Happy Blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about all the fun things you make and do. The aprons have been really fun.
My mother and I recently went through my grandmother's old linens and along with several embroidered towels, I got a couple aprons. I didn't take the party aprons, but they were sure fun to look at!
ReplyDeleteI've only recently found your blog, but my goodness is it fun to read! I have been especially enjoying the tatting projects, and I hope to make a rag rug using your tutorial as soon as I have the time/fabric. I've always wondered how those are sewn together. Thanks for being a wonderful blogger! Happy Blogiversary!
I just discovered your blog and I love your tutorials! Especially your hexagon paper piecing one. Thanks so much for sharing that with us. It made learning how to piece hexagons so much easier. I really appreciate it. It's so generous of you to make tutorials for us newbies. I just can't get enough of tutorials. I love learning new things.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your anniversary!
Happy blogiversary!!!
ReplyDeleteI love everything about your site. I came back today to refresh myself on the yo-yo advent tree which I am preparing to make this month. I have found so many projects of your that I can't wait to make and everytime I come back there is a new one! Oh, and I am so thankful for your English paper piecing tutorial. I inherited an incomplete Grandmothers Flower Garden UFO from the 20's and 30's that a great aunt had been working on. She had quite a few rows done but she had quite a ways to go. Now, thanks to you, I can finish the whole thing after seeing how it is done. The funny thing is, I inherited this UFO back in '91 and it inspired me to start quilting. I have made many quilts or many different styles but I was always afraid to work with the GFG. Now, I am sure I can do it and your tutorial sure helped bunches! Thanks!
Thank you for all that you share in your beautiful blog. I do, though, want to let you know -in case I am not the only person with "old eyes" - that it is a bit difficult to read due to the contrast of type colors against the black background. Thanks again,
I really enjoy all the tutorials you post! Several of them are on my to-do list right now!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much and keep up the good work!
Whooppeeee - another new word for the dictionary. Bloggiversary. How about congratublog for another!!! I love blogs and love doing my own too!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy tats
JaneEb (lovetotat @ gmail.com)
This is the first time I've come to your blog - what lovely aprons - thanks for sharing all of them!
ReplyDeleteI also love the rug you made for your grandfather, how special. That's one of those things on my someday list!
Wow, glad I found your blog! I would love a chance to win an apron. Thank you and Happy Blogiversary to you!
ReplyDeleteplaidtoaster at gmail
The tutorials are lovely. I especially like the pomander balls!
ReplyDeletehi--I uust discovered your blog--and I just love all the vintage aprons! and other handwork--and the yo-yo quilt--wow!
ReplyDeletelovely blog and happy blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be entered for the apron giveaway.
Thanks for all the tutorials on your site - there are a few I'm def going to do for Christmas. :)
Take care,
cokelush at gmail dot com
Just discovered your great blog, i'll definately become a regular reader. Love the aprons and yo-yo tutorials.
ReplyDeleteIt must be almost two years too that we have been contacts on Flickr, where I have been getting to get glimpses of you wonderful creativity and diversity of your crafts. There are so many things that I learnt from you and am still learning !! You know I wasn't even aware of Romanian Crochet !!
Keep shining the light of your beautiful crafts and your creativity and sharing your skills with others like me!!
I have never been to your blog before but I am loving it!! Congrat on your blogiversary! What did we ever do before blogs???
ReplyDeleteI hope that you have many many more!
I love your aprons. I love all things vintage and your blog is definitely cozy in a vintage way! Happy blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog when I linked to it from Craftzine.com to see your tutorial on Romanian crocheted lace...so beautiful! Thank you for sharing that and for your drawing. I'm going to add you to my favorites now. Happy Blogoversary!
ReplyDeleteHello, Sunshine. I just found your blog when I was searching for a Cathedral Windows pattern to make a winter window quilt (old, poorly insulated house, single pane windows...). Your "Mock Cathedral Windows" looks as if it will be much less fiddly and MUCH quicker to sew--and an excellent, easy to follow tutorial!! THANK YOU!!!! Then I saw it is your blog anniversary, so happy blogiversary! I think it's great you're drawing for aprons--a few days ago, I got flour on black slacks while baking, and told my son that would never have happened to my mom--she always wore an apron. He is 17--and he has never even seen one! Now..back to exploring the rest of your blog! Cheers, Wendy in Courtenay, BC
ReplyDeleteI saw your site for the first time today and absolutely love the embroidered felt items! I haven't even begun to stroll thru your whole site yet, but wanted to tell you how much I liked your "stuff". I feel like I found a treasure chest and am going to sit back and relax and look at each and every thing. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI started reading your blog just before Christmas '07....It instantly became my favorite read. I check everyday for a new post. Your turorials are awesome and I just feel like I can relate to what you are saying. I'm anxiously awaiting the holidays to try some of your fun stuff....cream cheese candy, etc. I'm in the process of collecting pictures for kissing balls at the moment....thanks so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the wholesomeness of your blog, all the lovely craftiness and handwork, and how the things you make so often remind me of my mom/grandmother and the things she makes/made =-). Happy Blogiversary, Kirstin
ReplyDeleteI just fell upon this site while looking for inspiration for advent calenders. It is absolutely fabulous and I have bookmarked it now to keep in touch regularly. You are very creative and inspiring.
ReplyDelete.. Sara
I found this page while trying to figure how to do a sc. After days of e-mailing dfferent people, who would not help cause it was not there pattern, I was upset because I was making something for my niece. I found this page, not only did I fall in love with it, but you helped me with that stitch!!! It was awsome!!! No one just wants to help any more, and you did. Thank you sooo sooo much. My niece loved the purse, it looked nice, you made my year with that. Being new to crochet, it was hard to try and learn on my own, you made it so much easier. I love to read your recipies, and love the patterns, so easy to follow. I will soon be venturing into quilting, your such an inspiration. I just can't say enough! Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteJo mammasnakeyes@yaho.com
Happy 2nd Anniversary Sunshine!! Your blog has been the portal to so many learning experiences for me. The crochet probably being the one thing that I've picked up speed with most recently. happy many more!! hugs, Bonne
ReplyDeleteI really love your braided rug tutorials the best, I can't wait to get started on my own rug project! The Romanian crochet cord looks pretty interesting too - if you ever do anything on Romanian embroidery I would love you forever!! <3
ReplyDeleteI have loved seeing all these aprons! They were so diverse! I love a pleated apron so I fell in love with day 26. I love chicken scratch and the pleats are darling! I also loved day 12, the rick rack! And day 11 with it's sculpted waistband was also awesome! Make me want to do my own apron-a-day except I don't have nearly as many.
ReplyDeleteJust so fun seeing all these wonderful aprons, in such amazing condition. Thanks for sharing everything with us.
ReplyDeleteHello, I rarely post but visit your site on a regular basis since a discovered it a few months ago. I enjoy the variety of crafts and ideas you post. I am a bit like you and tend to go from craft to craft depending on what I would like to make for the home or as a gift. Somewhere in my vast stash of crafting stuff, I have a pattern and material for an apron I thought I really needed but never got around to. Would be nice to have someone else make one up...hee hee.
Well, I should be ashamed about posting right now, and not before. I was drawn to your blog last year, during that time previous to holidays season. I really enjoyed the facto that you shared all those ideas and petterns for ornaments. Since then, I had you between my favorites, and have to read your blog al least every week. I really found yur work on romanian lace very revealing. Because of your work I've done some research through the net and tried this technique.
ReplyDeleteYour crafting is rich, in technique and inspiration and, somehow, it reminds me of what my grandmother used to make. Actually, that is what I like the most, the fact that it takes me back to another inspirer of my own crafting.
Thanks fof the generosity.
Oh, I have enjoyed these aprons SO much. I accessed your blog through MJ's and I was gone so I hope I am getting in in time for the drawing. Even if I don't it has been pure pleasure to view the aprons and your dating of them. They have brought wonderful memories back to me of my childhood. Happy "blogiversary" and I will keep visiting! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteso it is very close to 5 o'clock Utah time I am considering these entries closed so if your post is after this one you missed the dead line I am sorry but it has to happen at some point. Good luck to all who have entered.