I crochet but don't drink soda ,so I wouldn't be able to make this project. For those who do, here is something to do if you are bored, but first you have to drink six sodas. Not sure how anyone could crochet on that sugar rush, wink wink. So, if you want to do this, go
here. This was sent to me by
Maven, a friend in search of oya patterns.
Photo to left not taken by me but from the link above.
I do not drink that much soda, but know what to do with those pull-tabs my husband throws away with his empty beer cans. ;-} Thank you for another craft to bewilder my husband with. lol Would also like to thank you for all the wonderful projects you have made. Keep up the great work. And love your web page. Melissa M.@ march17_1998@yahoo.com