So, this is a post I was going to do yesterday but ran out of time and energy (I was awake for about 41 hours straight to get this done in time). Deadline for sign up items into the auction was Tuesday, deadline to have them turned into school was Friday. I got up Thursday at 5 am, quilted all day and all night, didn't go to bed. Mother-in-law and daughter stayed up late quilting with me. My mother-in-law is just so great; she stayed 'till 3 in the morning helping me get this done for the auction. My daughter, who is 11, stayed up an hour past her bed time so she could quilt one block to help out. I put the binding on the quilt at 6:45 Friday morning. Still no sleep: still more quilting to do, but not around the edges, so the binding went on because that would be hard to do at work. Went to work, quilted at lunch time, and finished quilting.

Turned it in to the auction. Went to the fall harvest festival, stayed till about 9 p.m., got home around 10 and crashed. (There is more to this story than I am posting, but it would take way to long to post). Long story short, people don't understand the pricing of hand work. So I paid for my own quilt and brought it back home. I will enjoy it on my foyer wall and think of the wonderful 4
th Grade children I taught, and my lovely mother-in-law, and my beautiful daughters for all their help in making such a wonderful memory for me (daughters: one helped quilt and another help cut, the last one watched and didn't touch) . From the start of the quilt to finish of the quilting, it was 7 days total; I don't usually make a quilt quite that fast. Thanks, everyone!

Now that the quilt is going to live at our house, I will sew on a hanging sleeve and, at a leisurely pace, I will add more quilting to it before it goes on the wall. There just wasn't enough time to put all the quilting I wanted to do into the quilt, so it will get a few more rows of echo quilting and call it good.