My daughters went to prom last month and I never showed the bead-work I did for them or should I say that we all did for it.

So her pieces are one boutonnière and one hair piece both had shades of blue in them.
The young man she went with loves soccer so we added a soccer ball to his item. Which you can see to the left in the left photo. I made the flower my oldest daughter made the leaves.
For the hair piece my oldest daughter yet again made the leaves with silver lined bugle beads and I did the rest of it. I like that we can now work on projects like this together.

I also added double sided satin ribbon shoulder straps to make the dress have more support as dancing can make dresses drop and I did not want her to fight her dress all night. Below there are still pins holding the sequins on.

Corsage on the left hairpiece on the right in the photo below. My middle daughter did the leaf work I made the flowers.

My middle daughter made the necklace you see in this post originally it was for her older sister but she ended up giving it to another girl in the group.

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