Warning this post is heavy with pictures .

Up to this point you have seen four aprons for the character Hanna (servant) in the play Little Woman. Well I have been sewing like crazy the last few days and Hanna now has 2 jackets, 1 geribaldi shirt, 2 skirts, 1 petticoat and 1 set of bloomers to add to her costume attire. It also means that this character is now fully costumed and done. I still have 11 other players to finish costumes on but having 1 done is a good feeling. Because Hanna works for the March's sometimes with out pay she does not have much money so her cloths are simple with out much adornment and plain in patterning of fabric ( almost none) because she can only afford to but fabric that are like broadcloth or muslin. She does have little detail of lace here and there and cording and a few details as was the fashion then.

My dress form does not have an off set leg so the pantalets are just pinned to the front for the sake of taking a photo plain in general with a hint of pretty lace at the legs.
The petticoat is the same plain with a hint of lace at the hem.

The shirt for this character is a Geribaldi shirt. Made famous by a military person hwho came to much fame and this is the style of shirt his troops wore. The buttons on the shirt are true to period ie. The are antique jet buttons from the civil war to Victorian era. The lacy cord edge is from about 1920- 1950. The other trims are also vintage just don't know exactly there age the piping on the sleeves is I think the 1960-1970's. The soutoche braid I think is from about 1920 and the single fold seam binding used on the hem is from 1960's.
I find most of my supplies at thrift shops and antique stores I like things to have an aged look and most times things are cheaper here than they are brand new fabric store. Which is fully because most are still in there original packaging and I am buying them at a modern store. I wish this was my size I love this shirt and would wear it.
Hanna's yellow outfit is trimmed with burgundy cording and burgundy ribbon roses and a dark yellow lace around the hem.

The other outfit Hanna wears is a green gingham dress. It too has a jacket and skirt. The buttons on this out fit are also very old antiques ( mother of pearl buttons). It is adorned with cording (upholstery cording), and upholstery trim around the waist of the skirt and bright green ribbon roses.

Every item Hanna's wears is made from vintage sheets. When I told the actor that she was surprised and said well they don't look like sheets any more. The actor is also smaller than any dress form I own. So if you notice things are not buttoned or zipped all the way in the pictures it is because I do not want to damage the costumes by trying to make them fit a mannequin they can't possibility fit well.
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