There are two traditional places to add color to the traditional cathedral windows quilts. The first is shown above which is traditional. The second spot places colored fabric in the long white oval openings as seen in the photo above. But there is actually a third spot to add color which is the background that can be more than one color adding more variety to the blocks.
Quick Traditional method: Easiest
- cut 2 1/2 inch squares two for every piece of white fabric you have cut.
- place on space where two squares come together pin in place
- fold over edges pin in place
- sew with sewing machine
- repeat till done
Tutorial parts
Part 1 cathedral windows ( background)
Optional Steps
I will start with the optional steps method then move on to traditional version 1 and version 2 and version 3.
This will place color inside the spaces that are white in the photo above. This of course is twice as much work if you do it the first way listed below. The second way is faster but not as thick or as warm of a quilt depends on your final goal. These steps that are optional and are added to the traditional method not instead of it.
Optional steps if you want more color you can skip this step as I did in the above photo which will make your quilt go tons faster.
Traditional version 1 : Hardest to make
most work but a much warmer quilt (tons more work than traditional)
repeat steps 1-6 (from how to construct block)but in color and with a 6 1/2 inch square you will end up with a square that will fit under your flaps of your fabric ruffly 4 1/2 inch square. Stitch corners together by hand and stitch 1 or 2 stitches through the color fabric piece to tack it in place for now.
Traditional version 2: Medium
a little more work than traditional and a little warmer
cut 5 inch color squares of fabric also cut a 4 1/2 inch card stock template. Lay cardstock template over each color square and fold over the 1/4 inch seam allowance on all sides and press in place pull out cardstock and repeat for every 5 inch color square
Traditional version 3: Easy
a tiny bit more work than the traditional and a little warmer
Just cut 4 1/2 inch squares the same number you cut of white squares and place below flaps. Stitch corners together by hand and stitch 1 or 2 stitches through the color fabric piece to tack it in place for now.
Part 2 Cathedral windows ( color filler squares) this post
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