On the off chance I could get the stain out myself without paying the dry cleaning fee I turned the dress inside out and tossed it into my front loading washing machine on a gentle cycle with several extra pre-washes and extra rinses ( this is what we do at the costume shop where I work to wash wedding dresses for plays). So I thought I would give it a try. I hung it to dry did not toss in dryer. Guess what the stains came out looks almost brand new now. Where it looks a little old is the hem where it dragged and snagged. But since my daughter needs about 2 inches cut off anyway that part will go away. Because it does look like a wedding dress all white I will be adding color to it in the form bead work and the like. We originally were going to add robins egg blue piped cord to it around the front piece and matching bead work we had a hard time finding that color. So that has been changed to Royal plum instead now. Here is wishing me luck to embellish this one for my daughter who likes fluffy dresses and make it not look like a wedding dress so much. This is for the daughter that had the green dress above. The bead-work is planned to come in from the left side of the torso and fade out into the rest of the front panel piece. The under part in the front will be left plain. This is also a strapless dress which means my daughter will have to wear a shirt under it and a jacket over it to. Which gives us another spot to add color to pull it out of the wedding dress look it has.