So Friday I got off of work an hour early and walked to my sister-in-law's who watches my children. There we had dinner and waited for my husband to arrive so we could spend the entire night driving to California to go to a family reunion. We left at 6 pm Utah time and arrived 3 am California time. Got to see family and had fun Saturday at the reunion that started at 10 am and was over by 3 pm.
We went back to my va vo's where we all watched Spiderwick, except me -- I took a nap. Then that night we went to bed, got up, visited with my grandmother and sisters 'till noon ,and tried to drive home to Utah. The reason I say tried is we got a flat in the Mojave dessert in California and almost another near Nephi, Utah, in the dark.
We stopped at Sunshine gas to make sure no second flat tire. Just had to take a photo of the name of the gas station, thought it was such a cool name (wink wink)! Don't ask me why large chunks of wood are in the middle of a freeway, I don't get it. We got home at 2 am Utah time.

Saw a double rainbow in the middle of Nevada during 108 degree weather.
The reason for the real quick trip was that my children started school Monday, and we had to get up at 5 am to start our day. It is the first time all three of them have been at the same school. It is nice to have one drop-off time and one pick-up time, not two and three like last year.
Also on the trip to California, I received a phone call from my children's vice principle saying that the art teacher job is open again and they need a sub 'till they find a teacher, and do I want to be a sub, and am I still interested in the job? Cross your fingers and pray because I still want this job. It would be so nice to teach my two youngest daughters in school, and to have the same holidays as they do, which doesn't happen working at a flower shop.
The picture of the girls in front of a cannon is at school; one of the teachers made it then fired it off to celebrate the start of a new school year after their morning Devotional and Pledge of Allegiance. If you notice the white building in the left of the picture, that is the Latter-Day Saint Temple that faces my kids' school. So pretty to see every morning.