This is the last handmade Christmas present that my children gave to each other. The funny thing is, the youngest two wanted the same doll for the oldest daughter, so I ended up making two of them just a tad bit different than each other, but still very similar. Too bad it wasn't done before I took this photo; I will add an up-dated picture of her later, maybe after the New Year when I get a chance to sit still for about 10 seconds.
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Love Sunshine
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns (click here)
I would like to make. Thank you in advance for being kind and saying thank you back.
Love Sunshine
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Part 2 Homemade Christmas

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Part 1 Homemade Christmas
There will be three consecutive posts about the gifts my children gave to each other, with the help of mom.
The oldest and the youngest got together and gave my middle daughter this lady-bug apron. She just loves ladybugs, so they figured she would like this a lot. The oldest daughter is modeling it for these photos because it was still a secret when these photos where taken.
The pattern is my own design. It fits children from about 5 to 11 (those are the ages of my children, and it fits all of them and would probably fit the oldest even if she was about 14 years old. On the older daughter, it is a little above the knees; on the youngest, a little below the knees. If people are interested in the pattern, I can draft up written instructions and such. There would be a little delay in this because I have not written the instructions as of yet, and it would cost about $15.00 per pattern
The oldest and the youngest got together and gave my middle daughter this lady-bug apron. She just loves ladybugs, so they figured she would like this a lot. The oldest daughter is modeling it for these photos because it was still a secret when these photos where taken.
The pattern is my own design. It fits children from about 5 to 11 (those are the ages of my children, and it fits all of them and would probably fit the oldest even if she was about 14 years old. On the older daughter, it is a little above the knees; on the youngest, a little below the knees. If people are interested in the pattern, I can draft up written instructions and such. There would be a little delay in this because I have not written the instructions as of yet, and it would cost about $15.00 per pattern
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
12th day of the twelve days of Christmas and we come to the end
Our secret elves did not let us see them tonight, but they did tell us who they are. They are the young ladies in my church (teenagers 17-18 years old and their teachers at church). Can I just say how great that is to me that teenagers would take the time to make such fun for my children. The children got so excited each night I couldn't have asked for a better gift than to see my children excited about this sort of thing. I know, silly, but it was great fun for them.
We got ice-cream drumsticks tonight.

We got ice-cream drumsticks tonight.

Note reads:
The twelfth day has arrived, and on this our last night,
One dozen drummers would be a grand sight.
But the noise of their drums would hurt my head,
So eat these "drumsticks" we bring you instead.
And so we wish you a joyous Noel,
We know that you're hoping our name we will tell.
We won't keep it a secret because we love you.
Love, The Young Woman Laurels and Leaders too!
One dozen drummers would be a grand sight.
But the noise of their drums would hurt my head,
So eat these "drumsticks" we bring you instead.
And so we wish you a joyous Noel,
We know that you're hoping our name we will tell.
We won't keep it a secret because we love you.
Love, The Young Woman Laurels and Leaders too!
Monday, December 22, 2008
11th day of the twelve days of Christmas
Another day has come and gone, and I am exhausted from making centerpieces all day at work and shoveling my car out a few times today. So when we came home we got greeted by the 11th days gifts.
We got Stephen's hot cocoa (chocolate mint truffle) to go with it mini marshmellos.
Note reads:
We got Stephen's hot cocoa (chocolate mint truffle) to go with it mini marshmellos.
Note reads:
Those eleven pipers piping remind us of the cold,
Of the chill and snow we don't have to be told.
Now make your water piping hot, and fill your cup with care,
Then add some chocolate and marshmallows for flair.
Of the chill and snow we don't have to be told.
Now make your water piping hot, and fill your cup with care,
Then add some chocolate and marshmallows for flair.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
10th day of the twelve days of Christmas
So we stayed out real late tonight, and it snowed on our gift, but I don't think it got hurt much and will still work just fine.
We received a compilation Christmas CD.
Note reads:
We received a compilation Christmas CD.
Note reads:
Ten Lords a leaping would be an awesome gift
But they got stuck while jumping through a snow drift.
We had to be content and we hope you don't think it strange,
Instead we got you their lovely music to give you more of a range.
But they got stuck while jumping through a snow drift.
We had to be content and we hope you don't think it strange,
Instead we got you their lovely music to give you more of a range.
Handquilted quilt all done
This is not a normal post because I usually don't post on Sunday. So this is not normal, but it is such a special item to me and my daughter that I just had to share on the day it was completed (plus I will post later, too, the next day in the 12 days; might as well make a day of it).

My oldest daughter made a quilt top when she was in first grade, 6 years old. Then placed it on my best quilt frame and every now and again she worked on quilting it. I worked on it some to encourage her to quilt it (so she could have her quilt and I could have my frame). This quilt was even on the frame a year and a half ago when we moved, so we had to be careful not to hurt it in the move. Her quilt was the first quilt placed on the frame, so I have never been able to use it for my own quilts. Sunday morning at 1:37 am she finished it! I got up at 4:30 am and bound it. By the time she woke up at 6:30 am, she realized she was sleeping under her finished quilt. Can I just say we are both excited to have it done. It was a major first quilt; I tried to get her to do a doll or baby quilt, but she wanted one she could sleep under, and now she can. All the colors got picked when she was 6, so I hope she still likes her color combinations. If not, oh well, that is how it is. For a first project, I think she did a great job. Now, at 11, she has her own quilt to sleep under. The top and backing are all cotton; the batting is wool. I figured it was better to start her with good material because quilting through polyester is a pain and very discouraging and wool is so easy she would like it more and it is a warmer quilt. This will fit her twin bed.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
9th day of the twelve days of Christmas
So the 9th day happened, and the girls all got a gift. Sorry, but I guess my husband is out on this one unless he wants to keep the bag. I waited 'till morning to take the pictures because I wanted them bright since all the photos lately have been taken when it is still dark out and it is driving me nuts to have such dark, gloomy photos. The quilt in the back ground I will post about on Monday.
So we received a real cute bag
holding 4 sets of socks
that actually fit us all (the girls that is; none for husband, but I don't think he would wear them anyway, wink wink)!
Here is what the note reads:
So we received a real cute bag
holding 4 sets of socks
that actually fit us all (the girls that is; none for husband, but I don't think he would wear them anyway, wink wink)!
Here is what the note reads:
Nine ladies dancing would be too big a crowd,
Besides, their music is way too loud.
If you danced all night you would have tired feet
So here are some socks, relax and have a seat.
Besides, their music is way too loud.
If you danced all night you would have tired feet
So here are some socks, relax and have a seat.
Friday, December 19, 2008
8th day of the twelve days of Christmas
Day 8 has come and gone, and here we are at the blog once again; tons of snow and snow shoveling. This one was an easy one for the kids to guess, and they got so happy that they have now guessed two right. Not great odds; pretty unique twelve days, I must say.
Yep, I bet you guessed it, too. MILK!!!!
Yep, I bet you guessed it, too. MILK!!!!
Chopino / Cioppino/ Ciopino
This is what my family has every Christmas eve when we gather together. My Aunt Nonnie always makes it. So a few years back I asked her for the recipe because I figure there will be some point in time when she will not be able to make it any more. This recipe is for 25 people.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Add 2 1/2 to 3 lbs clams, large shrimp, scallops, cook a little bit longer in a real big pot put in cracked crab.
Salt to taste.
If bitter, just keep tasting as it goes along and add 1/4 cup sugar to get rid of bitterness, if needed.
* starred items are mixed/chopped in a food processor
Serve with French bread to sop up all the juices; this is a messy, but good, meal!
From Aunt Virgie (1969) who got it from someone in San Fransisco. Then this was told to Wendy on December 24, 2004 (Christmas eve while eating some) by Aunt Nonnie.

My youngest eating trust me she may not look happy but she ate for almost an hour straight (she loves the stuff) those clean little arms by the end of eating where bright red from the tomato juice in the dinner.

This is my middle daughter eating she is a little pickier she likes it but wants me to do all the hard work of cracking the shells and such.
Pictures added new years day after we came back from California for 2008 Christmas.
On a total side note, here is a place that sells cool aprons. I want to get some of these in the future, just not right now.
Day 1:
- Cover pan bottom with 1/4 cup olive oil
- Add 3- 4 yellow onions processed (close to minced) now transfer to a pot or start in a pot if you want
- *1/4 head of celery (4 stalks close to minced)
- *1/2 bunch parsley
- Take a large can of chopped clams and juice (about 6-8 cans)
- Use garlic (that was marinated in olive oil) 1 heaping tablespoon (about 4 cloves)
- 2 gallons of tomatoes chopped (roughly, 3 blenders full equals 1 gallon)
- 1/2 bottle of sherry (no cream or cooking sherry) (you can use frozen orange juice for this instead for a virgin so-to-speak chopino/cioppino) (I won't be using sherry, but I do know that the alcohol has cooked out when my aunt makes it, so I have no problem eating hers. I just don't want to buy it for my own home because we don't drink and such)
Day 2:
Add 2 1/2 to 3 lbs clams, large shrimp, scallops, cook a little bit longer in a real big pot put in cracked crab.
Salt to taste.
If bitter, just keep tasting as it goes along and add 1/4 cup sugar to get rid of bitterness, if needed.
* starred items are mixed/chopped in a food processor
Serve with French bread to sop up all the juices; this is a messy, but good, meal!
From Aunt Virgie (1969) who got it from someone in San Fransisco. Then this was told to Wendy on December 24, 2004 (Christmas eve while eating some) by Aunt Nonnie.

My youngest eating trust me she may not look happy but she ate for almost an hour straight (she loves the stuff) those clean little arms by the end of eating where bright red from the tomato juice in the dinner.

This is my middle daughter eating she is a little pickier she likes it but wants me to do all the hard work of cracking the shells and such.
Pictures added new years day after we came back from California for 2008 Christmas.
On a total side note, here is a place that sells cool aprons. I want to get some of these in the future, just not right now.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
7th day of the twelve days of Christmas
Well, we had tons of snow again, and my oldest daughter shoveled 'till real late, so they came real late at night. They left such a sweet gift, too.
Cream puffs
Note reads:
Cream puffs
Note reads:
The 7th day of Christmas, and we are half-way done,
Remember no peeking or you'll spoil the fun.
On this day of Christmas, how nice it would be,
If seven swans a swimming you could see.
The pond was quite empty since the swans have gone south,
We only found cream puffs to put in your mouth,
Have you seen the 12 days of Christmas giveaway

Remember no peeking or you'll spoil the fun.
On this day of Christmas, how nice it would be,
If seven swans a swimming you could see.
The pond was quite empty since the swans have gone south,
We only found cream puffs to put in your mouth,
Have you seen the 12 days of Christmas giveaway

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
6th day of the twelve days of Christmas
The 6th day has happened, and I have to say this is the most unique 12 days I have ever been a part of giving or receiving. The children are having so much fun. When tonight's item came, the kids all said in unison that it belonged to Pai because I think he is about the only one in the house who drinks egg nog.
However, they still got excited and thought it neat that their Pai gets his own special treat because they have claimed most of them for themselves.
The note reads:
However, they still got excited and thought it neat that their Pai gets his own special treat because they have claimed most of them for themselves.
The note reads:
Six geese-a-laying--an interesting sight;
One of them squawked and they all took flight.
What they left in their nest
You'll just have to think,
And with these eggs you will want to drink.
One of them squawked and they all took flight.
What they left in their nest
You'll just have to think,
And with these eggs you will want to drink.
yoyo crochet
So I finished my first square of my yoyo crochet afghan. I gave it ten rows of color and one row of boarder which will be two rows wide once other squares are set next to it.
I have started on the second one; this one will be in purples. As you can see, it has a ways to go 'till it reaches the size of the first one.
These are made out of size 10 crochet thread. It is hard for most people to know the scale of this without some reference, so I have enclosed a photo with my left hand as a size reference (like any one knows that measurement) but you get the idea.
I have started on the second one; this one will be in purples. As you can see, it has a ways to go 'till it reaches the size of the first one.
These are made out of size 10 crochet thread. It is hard for most people to know the scale of this without some reference, so I have enclosed a photo with my left hand as a size reference (like any one knows that measurement) but you get the idea.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
5th day of the twelve days of Christmas
We have had lots of snow here on the side of the mountain. So the kids wanted to shovel ;you know if they want to I am not going to argue to take my turn! They have learned in the last few days that it isn't easy to shovel snow; it is a lot of hard work, but they had fun, too. Once again they got worried that shoveling the snow kept the elves away. They did come with day five just a little later in the evening.
Received: a box of donuts.
Note reads:
Received: a box of donuts.
Note reads:
On the fifth day of Christmas with things rather tight,
It's important to us that we all travel light.
Gold rings are too heavy but rings of gold will do
Enjoy these delicious donuts in lieu.
It's important to us that we all travel light.
Gold rings are too heavy but rings of gold will do
Enjoy these delicious donuts in lieu.
Part 2: my MIL's versions of the 12 days
On the first day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you some pears from the tree the partridge flew away from.
(A can of pears.)
On the second day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you some "good" turtles on a bar of Dove soap.
(Candy turtles on top of a bar of Dove soap.)
On the third day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you some noodle soup, compliments from the three French hens.
(A can of chicken noodle soup.)
On the fourth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you a telephone message pad designed by the four calling birds.
(A telephone message pad.)
On the fifth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you five golden rings.
(A can of sliced pineapple rings.)
On the sixth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you the eggs we found when we were looking for the six geese that laid them.
(Six eggs.)
On the seventh day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you the bubble bath left by the seven swans after they went swimming.
(Bubble bath.)
On the eighth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you the chocolate milk we got from the eight maids milking eight brown cows.
(A carton of chocolate milk.)
On the ninth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you some canes used by the nine Ladies who were out dancing all night (they needed the canes to get home).
(Nine candy canes.)
On the tenth day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you a rub for sore muscles recommended for use by the ten Lords we saw out leaping!
(rubbing lotion.)
On the eleventh day of Christmas, your pixie friends gave to you some pickles since the pipers stopped piping and started picking a peck of pickles for us to send to you.
(A jar of pickles.)
On the twelfth day of Christmas, your pixie friends, the (your name here)s, gave to you some rolls we drummed up after being inspired by the twelve drummers we heard today.
(Some cinnamon rolls.)
or you can
On the twelfth day of Christmas, your pixie friends, the (your name here)s, gave to you some drumsticks used by the twelve drummers we heard today.
(Some chicken legs.)
Christmas Survival Kit
If you need a quick and easy gift for school teachers and people of that sort, this may help.
Note reads:
Christmas Survival Kit
We also tied two of the ornaments we made out of corn starch to the outside of it.
- a stick of gum
- a birthday candle
- chocolate candy kiss
- a wood match
- a tootsie roll
- a safety pin
- smarties
- a starburst candy
- a snickers bar
- and a small bag to hold it all
Note reads:
Christmas Survival Kit
A stick of gum to remind you to stick with it.
A candle to remind you to burn brightly.
A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
A toostsie roll to remind you that you're not to bite off more than you can chew.
A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
Smarties to help on those days that you don't feel too smart.
A starburst to give you a burst of energy on those days when you don't have any.
A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
A bag to help you keep it all together.
A candle to remind you to burn brightly.
A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
A toostsie roll to remind you that you're not to bite off more than you can chew.
A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
Smarties to help on those days that you don't feel too smart.
A starburst to give you a burst of energy on those days when you don't have any.
A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
A bag to help you keep it all together.
We also tied two of the ornaments we made out of corn starch to the outside of it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
4th day of the twelve days of Christmas
So we received our next item. Our children were very concerned because it snowed. My oldest daughter was shoveling, so they figured no one would come because of her being outside for over an hour.
Item received: a bag of gummy worms.
Note reads:
Item received: a bag of gummy worms.
Note reads:
Four calling birds are in order on this, the fourth day;
But we thought they might get in your way.
Also to avoid any germs,
We just brought you the birds' worms.
But we thought they might get in your way.
Also to avoid any germs,
We just brought you the birds' worms.
Part 1: my MIL's versions of the 12 days
12 Days of Christmas -- give a piece of a nativity and a corresponding scripture everyday:
Day 1 - Dec 13 Star
Matthew 2:9-10 "...and lo the star which they saw in the east."
(can use star ornament or make star-shaped cookies)
Day 2 - Dec 14 Angel
Luke 2:10-14 "Glory to God in the highest."
Day 3 - Dec 15 Mary
Luke 1: 45-49 "...from thenceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Day 4 - Dec 16 Wise Man 1
Matthew 2:11 "Gold, frankincense and myrrh..."
Day 5 - Dec 17 Cow
Song, "Away in the Manger," "The cattle are lowing..."
Day 6 - Dec 18 Wise Man 2
Matthew 2:8 "Go and search diligently..."
Day 7 - Dec 19 Joseph
Luke 2:4 "And Joseph also went up..."
Day 8 - Dec 20 Shepherd
Luke 2:8-9 "...there were in the same country shepherds abiding..."
Day 9 - Dec 21 Donkey
Song (LDS Primary Childrens Songbook p. 38) "When Joseph Went to Bethlehem," "He urged the donkey onward..."
Day 10 - Dec 22 Wise Man 3
Matthew 2:1-2 "There came wise men..."
Day 11 - Dec 23 Sheep
3 Nephi 15: are my sheep...
Day 12 - Dec 24 Jesus
Isaiah 9:6 "For unto you a child is born..."
Matthew 2:9-10
"And, lo, the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."
Luke 2:10-14
"And the angel said unto them Fear not: for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men."
Luke 1: 45-49
"And blessed she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. And Mary said My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Matthew 2:11
"And when they were come into the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts: gold and frankincense and myrrh."
"Away in a Manger" (LDS Hymn #206)
"The cattle are lowing the poor baby wakes but little Lord Jesus no crying He makes."
Matthew 2:8
"And he sent them to Bethlehem and said Go and search diligently for the young child: and when ye have found him bring me word again that I may come and worship him."
Luke 2:4
"And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judaea unto the city of David which is called Bethlehem: because he was of the house and lineage of David."
Luke 2:8-9
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night.And the angel of the Lord came upon them and they glory of the Lord shown round about them: and they were sore afraid."
"When Joseph Went to Bethlehem" (LDS Primary Childrens Songbook p. 38)
"He urged the donkey onward then with Mary on his back..."
Matthew 2:1-2
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him."
3 Nephi 15:24
"But behold ye have both heard my voice and seen me: and ye are my sheep and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me."
Isaiah 9:6
"For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful The Mighty God The Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace."
Day 1 - Dec 13 Star
Matthew 2:9-10 "...and lo the star which they saw in the east."
(can use star ornament or make star-shaped cookies)
Day 2 - Dec 14 Angel
Luke 2:10-14 "Glory to God in the highest."
Day 3 - Dec 15 Mary
Luke 1: 45-49 "...from thenceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Day 4 - Dec 16 Wise Man 1
Matthew 2:11 "Gold, frankincense and myrrh..."
Day 5 - Dec 17 Cow
Song, "Away in the Manger," "The cattle are lowing..."
Day 6 - Dec 18 Wise Man 2
Matthew 2:8 "Go and search diligently..."
Day 7 - Dec 19 Joseph
Luke 2:4 "And Joseph also went up..."
Day 8 - Dec 20 Shepherd
Luke 2:8-9 "...there were in the same country shepherds abiding..."
Day 9 - Dec 21 Donkey
Song (LDS Primary Childrens Songbook p. 38) "When Joseph Went to Bethlehem," "He urged the donkey onward..."
Day 10 - Dec 22 Wise Man 3
Matthew 2:1-2 "There came wise men..."
Day 11 - Dec 23 Sheep
3 Nephi 15: are my sheep...
Day 12 - Dec 24 Jesus
Isaiah 9:6 "For unto you a child is born..."
Matthew 2:9-10
"And, lo, the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."
Luke 2:10-14
"And the angel said unto them Fear not: for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men."
Luke 1: 45-49
"And blessed she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. And Mary said My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."
Matthew 2:11
"And when they were come into the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts: gold and frankincense and myrrh."
"Away in a Manger" (LDS Hymn #206)
"The cattle are lowing the poor baby wakes but little Lord Jesus no crying He makes."
Matthew 2:8
"And he sent them to Bethlehem and said Go and search diligently for the young child: and when ye have found him bring me word again that I may come and worship him."
Luke 2:4
"And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judaea unto the city of David which is called Bethlehem: because he was of the house and lineage of David."
Luke 2:8-9
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night.And the angel of the Lord came upon them and they glory of the Lord shown round about them: and they were sore afraid."
"When Joseph Went to Bethlehem" (LDS Primary Childrens Songbook p. 38)
"He urged the donkey onward then with Mary on his back..."
Matthew 2:1-2
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him."
3 Nephi 15:24
"But behold ye have both heard my voice and seen me: and ye are my sheep and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me."
Isaiah 9:6
"For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful The Mighty God The Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
3rd day of the twelve days of Christmas
So it is the third day and this is what came to us from the 12-day elves.
A loaf of French bread, butter, grape jelly and a pot holder.

The note reads:
The kids are excited; they want to eat this for breakfast. Somehow this beats homemade pancakes, bacon and eggs, and apple juice for breakfast - go figure. It is a special treat just like no other and it came as a gift, and that is all that mattered to them.
A loaf of French bread, butter, grape jelly and a pot holder.

The note reads:
Night three arrives, but we are not in France,
And three French hens don't come by chance.
So just for you we have given to thee,
A loaf of French bread to eat (jam and butter are Key).
And three French hens don't come by chance.
So just for you we have given to thee,
A loaf of French bread to eat (jam and butter are Key).
The kids are excited; they want to eat this for breakfast. Somehow this beats homemade pancakes, bacon and eggs, and apple juice for breakfast - go figure. It is a special treat just like no other and it came as a gift, and that is all that mattered to them.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
If you want to 12 day someone
I posted the Journey back in 2006; there are two pages of posts that are in this topic. Go to the oldest post first and then read through them to the newest post. It is a 12-day thing, too, but instead of taking food to people you take a piece of a nativity each night to the family or person you are twelve daying. I will post more of these as we get into the season. My MIL has sent me two versions that her family did as my husband grew up; they called it pixieing (you know, like pixie dust). You knock on the door and run like crazy to not get caught. I am posting a link on the side bar labeled Christmas 12 days I will add The journey and the current 12 daying happening to me and the ones my MIL sent as I post them to this, so if people want to come back and find them easily they can. Under popular tutorials I have also posted a Poinsettia with these same links; either way works to find all the 12 dayed items.
2nd day of the twelve days of Christmas
My kids are having so much fun with this, and I am, too. I know it is only two nights, but we had fun trying to guess what the next day's item would be. We actually guessed right. The kids got all excited about having chocolate. They know mom is to answer the door and that I will go real slow so as to not spoil the kids' fun of getting stuff and not seeing the givers. Not to be weird, but this was the year I sort of needed this type of thing happening in my life. Long story short, it has been a rough year, and I haven't posted about much of it at all. But whoever is doing this for my family is a very dear soul, and I thank them just for the fun it brings to my kids' day. Thanks!!!
Tonight's gift was Dove chocolates and Hershey kisses in a gift bag with a cute red bow and a note.
Tonight's gift was Dove chocolates and Hershey kisses in a gift bag with a cute red bow and a note.
Friday, December 12, 2008
1st day of the twelve days of Christmas
We are being twelve-dayed. Each night someone rings our bell and leaves a gift. This is the first day's gift. I will try to post them all as I get them; that way if someone else wants to do this they can.
Today's gift: a note, a basket, and two pears tied with real cute, polka-dot ribbon.
Today's gift: a note, a basket, and two pears tied with real cute, polka-dot ribbon.

The paper reads as follows:
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
'Cept suddenly one little soul did appear,
It's your Christmas friends bringing you holiday cheer.
Tonight calls for a partridge for your pear tree,
But partridges are tough to catch, you see.
Now, how ' bout a yummy pear, instead of the bird.
Indeed it tastes good, or so we have heard.
Tonight's the first night, this sign you have been given,
One ring of your doorbell, not six and not seven,
From every night hence you will hear the bell ring
To signal the arrival of a Christmas thing.
Now beware of this warning - your friends will be here,
But you better not look, or they'll disappear,
And then all your gifts that were carefully planned
On some other front porch will surprisingly land.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Corn Starch Dough Ornaments
When I was a little girl my Vova made these one year with all of us (the grand kids). We got to make our own ornaments any way we wanted to. She made very specific ones with hearts to represent each person in the family. Hers looked like little mobiles that hung from her Swedish tree. Over the years they have all become broken which makes sense since there were nine of us children living in that house at the time, and it has been over 30 years since we made them together. But the memory has long out lasted the ornament themselves. So I thought others might like to make some memories with their children or grandchildren this time of year.
Supplies: Optional supplies:
Supplies: Optional supplies:
- toothpick to poke a hole in ornament
- food coloring
- paint
- cookie cutters ( to cut out if not doing free form)
- wax paper or foil to lay on work surface for children
- cookie sheet to lay them on to dry
- oven not needed but quicker than air drying
- In a large saucepan, mix corn starch and baking soda. Add water and stir until smooth.
- Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture is the consistency of slightly dry mashed potatoes.
- Remove from heat and cover with a damp cloth.
- When cool enough to handle, coat hands and surface lightly with corn starch and knead until dough is smooth and pliable.
- Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness and cut with holiday cookie cutters. You can also just form them in your hands for free form shapes (that is what we did as children). You can add food coloring at this time; we left ours white in my youth which I will did today, as well.
- To dry, place on a baking sheet in a 250 degree oven for 20-30 minutes or until hard, or set them on a cookies sheet or wax paper and place in a nice dry place to cool over many days (that is what we did years ago). We placed them on top of the refrigerator 'till dry either way works, one is just quicker than the other.
- If using oven method, allow to cool and brush loose powder off ornaments before painting. Makes about 16-20 medium size ornaments; if using mini cookie cutters like we did, we got over 70 ornaments.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Thread Play
On my morning and afternoon commutes the last little bit I haven't been crocheting lace edgings. I have been crocheting, and it is with size 10 thread, but I have been playing around with tons of one color and seeing where that gets me. I think this may be an afghan or something of that sort; as for how big, I have no clue. I think 10 rows of one tonal set then a black row is in order, then I will go on to other color sets once I have used up all my yellow. I like the fact that this sort of looks like yoyos. All the thread I am using to make this is vintage, antique and/or discontinued threads except for the black boarder; that was a clearanced thread at a store I frequent, but I do not know if it is dicontinued in anywhere other than that store.
Yes, I am working on more stash-buster things like the cathedral windows. Which, if all goes as planned, I can get photos of this afternoon to post the second and last half of the tutorial, but that doesn't seem to be the way my day is going at the moment.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am having the hardest time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. Usually I have been making gifts since June to give to friends and family, but because I work days now, it just didn't happen, and I just am not in the mood for it this year. My children's letters are very sweet and helped a little, and I have been trying to help the kids make their gifts for each other (got half way through one). I feel like a bah, hum bug this year which isn't normal for me. Usually I would have posted at least a half dozen things for Christmas, and so far I have only posted caramels.
Yes, I am working on more stash-buster things like the cathedral windows. Which, if all goes as planned, I can get photos of this afternoon to post the second and last half of the tutorial, but that doesn't seem to be the way my day is going at the moment.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am having the hardest time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. Usually I have been making gifts since June to give to friends and family, but because I work days now, it just didn't happen, and I just am not in the mood for it this year. My children's letters are very sweet and helped a little, and I have been trying to help the kids make their gifts for each other (got half way through one). I feel like a bah, hum bug this year which isn't normal for me. Usually I would have posted at least a half dozen things for Christmas, and so far I have only posted caramels.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Free Antique pattern library on Internet
Here is the link to a page full of lovely old old patterns in crochet, tatting, and knitting and other things as well. There are thousands of patterns available through this link.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Anderson's Soft Caramels Recipe
My neighbors gave us some caramels the other day for a Christmas present and my kids really liked them. So my daughter called and asked for the recipe so she could make them for her teacher.
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine
- 1 cup light corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
- 1 cup nuts (optional); the one she made didn't have this, and I am not fond of nuts in this type of food anyway
- Combine sugar, butter and corn syrup in 3 quart microwave safe bowl.
- Microwave uncovered on high for 5 minuets or until butter is melted.
- Stir to dissolve sugar.
- Gradually stir in sweetened condensed milk.
- Microwave on high uncovered for 15 to 17 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes (always using a clean spoon) or until 232 degrees is reached. Check temperature frequently during last few minuets.
- Stir in vanilla and nuts.
- Pour into buttered 12 x 8 inch pan.
- Cool to lukewarm.
- Cut into 1-inch squares and wrap each caramel in waxed paper or plastic wrap (cut these ahead of time for ease of use).
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