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Love Sunshine
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Hex Adult Shirt

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hex Skirt

I also made a shirt, and I have just enough hexes to make another shirt and skirt for the store. The second set is only half made at the moment.
On a side note for those who are on Ravelry, you can find me here.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
JOB WANTED Help please
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Wendy Harbaugh
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A little Crochet....

- 100% cotton
- hand crocheted
- 10 double sided satin ribbon bows with bead embellishments
- 2 antique mop buttons (mop = mother of pearl)
- OOAK (one of a kind)

Back of dress

detail of bodice and sleeve

Detail of button closure

Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy Presidents' Day

photos on explore
1. the start of three dresses? or just shirts, 2. on tree, 3. hung on tree, 4. front with out buttons but after star, 5. poinsettia / The journey, 6. kid airplane ornament, 7. more blooms, 8. butterfly pillow,
9. suzyhomemakers mini quilt is done, 10. This block is made by clare, 11. 1st finished butterfly for curtain, 12. 3rd butterfly on curtain, 13. lt and dk pink tatting, 14. hex granny squares, 15. antique tatting, 16. more antique tatting,
17. front, 18. redwork butterfly signature block, 19. style d, 20. layette set, 21. crazy daisies, 22. flower tutorial, 23. English Paper piecing tutorial, 24. bubble gum pink quilt #1,
25. SRE = silk ribbon embroidery, 26. lazy daisy week 3, 27. back side dove, 28. felt ornament dove, 29. felt snow man done, style:christmas colors
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Map fun
create your own visited countries map
create your own visited states map
My Camera is Weird

In case you are wondering, I collect Portuguese roosters and Swedish Dala horses. The little pigs are a gift from my older sister; three little pigs to represent my children, and one mae pig to represent me. These, too, are from Portugal.
Valentine's Past Due

We just put Christmas away yesterday, but my children still wanted to put Valentine's Day up, even though it had passed.

Friday, February 15, 2008
Kids art

Note posted on forum by Meg (Mary Jane's Daughter)
We wanted to do something special for Sunshine's little farmerettes that won an honorable mention in the Christmas Tree Contest. Their tree was so beautiful and all handmade by the three girls.Thanks for sharing your beautiful tree with us and watch the mail for a package!

MaryJane's daughter,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
- 2 quarts light whipping cream (we used normal whipping cream because our store didn't have the light)
- 2 cans sweetened condensed milk (size of each can, 14 oz)
- a cup to a few cups frozen berries cut in tiny pieces; no exact measurements here, we just did what looked good. You can also substitute other things here, cut up candy bars, cookie dough and so on.
- 1 tablespoon vanilla

This is my husband's recipe.
update Jan 9, 2013
If doing in Kitchen aid mixer half this recipe 1 quart cream, 1 can sweetened condensed a 1/2 cup fruit and 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla becasue it is too much for the machine to handle in one setting
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Ugly Commute home tonight
I have been tagged and awarded
- Didn't know I was afraid of swimming in the ocean till my last trip. I had been to the beach many times and swam in the ocean. But never to the point where the water was deeper than twice what I was tall (this was 5 times deeper or more) and never to the point where I couldn't reach the shore with a few stokes in swimming. Well, I went snorkeling in Christmas Cove in St Thomas; that was an eye opener. I realized I was scared which started an asthma attack. So I was ferried to the beach where I built up my courage and started to swim on my own back out to the snorkeling area in little steps; not totally on my own -- my husband was a dear and went with me to help build my courage. Gotta love that. By the time we had finished I wasn't scared anymore and had tons of fun. So found fear and concurred it. Pat myself on the back; I swam all the way back to the boat that was anchored in the outer part of the cove. Doesn't sound like much, but I was ready to just sit on the boat at the time. I would have missed all the cool fish and swimming with four sting rays, which I will always remember.
- In high school I used to own a vinyl mini skirt and vest that I found junking. I loved it; my friends thought it weird. So, sadly, I gave it up; at times I wish I still had that and the chain mail mini skirt I made my 10th grade year that was cool. I wonder who owns them now since they went to a local thrift store in California.
- I am one of three children, plus I have two half siblings, and I have one step brother. Try to explain that genealogy to a six year old. Gets a little confusing for them, not me.
First thing I made in crochet was a pair of lace gloves for my oldest daughter's blessing/ christening. I made these without a pattern. The first set used size 10 thread with size 10 hook; next set used size 30 crochet thread on a 13 hook. OK, I said this was my first project. I had crocheted as a child -- just chains and slip stitch cord. At the age of 24 I picked up a hook for the first time in 18 years and bought a book with basic stitches and started to make the gloves without trying anything else first. I actually made two pairs by the special day; a cream set for every-day use and a white set to wear on that special day.
- On my third date with what is now my husband, I ended up in the hospital with stitches in my right elbow from having gone single track mountain biking with him, when I hadn't ridden a bike in about ten years. Not wise, I know, but it was fun and now we have a silly story to tell.
- From the event just above, my husband learned that when I am real nervous (ie stitches) I start to laugh uncontrollably, a reflex I know, but it is weird to me, but that is how I am.
- I used to love making friendship bracelets; even got to the point where I could put words in them. I think every sk8boarder in the town I grew up in had at least five of them during the years I was in high school. You could always see me making them whenever I had a stray moment. The reason I bring this up is, Sunday I saw a girl doing just the same thing I did as a teenager; safety pin attached to skirt and knotting away. When church was over I explained to her I used to make those and explained how to make words in the knots. She was excited to go home and try. So I got this sort of nostalgic feeling that all her friends would be like mine, with tons of bracelets made with love and a few words.
My ten are these:
- manda at tree fall Because of her beautiful skills in making things and her determination. She may not be able to respond to this because she is near due to have a baby.
- anna marie for the beauty in her fabrics and her lively spirit.
- jnny B at allsorts for her vibrant colors on her blog and her tutorials.
- Maven at Fiborporn for just being kind and helping me find more about oya, and her cool items she makes.
- Eva at Apple and Eve I love her embroidery and little hedgehogs and bunnies; so sweet, and she produces them so fast.
- cassi at Bella Dia I love the colors of her blog, the tutorial, and how to's. Great site.
- eloomination for keeping the weave it alive and having tutorials and patterns for it.
- mette at Mettetations for all the eye candy yarn and cool projects.
- Shula at poppalina I just aways feel like she is a kindred spirit in a lot of the things she makes and through a lot of the stuff she has posted about her life.
- sew mama Sew Always something new and fun happening there; lots of links and tutorials.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
More Camera phone Photos

Busy Busy

Photo to the left is from September of 2004. Found it in my camera phone. We had spent a day at the beach, and on the way back to our car we saw this. What you are seeing is a classic antique collector's car, convertible mind you, that rolled down a hill at Pismo Beach in California and ended up on top of a fire hydrant. There are firemen trying to stop the geyser in one of the photos. So much for that car; I bet that was a mess to clean out. I would rather have my stack of laundry than that!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Part 2 Vacation: Puerto Rico
The skylines were just amazing at all the ports of call we went to. Here is the one coming into the port at Puerto Rico.

We kept hearing we had the biggest liner on the seas, but until we got off of the ship and looked back at it with another ship next to it, we didn't realize how big it was. All we could say was, "Yep, that is a big ship!" and that sort of sums it up. Ours (meaning the one we got to ride on) is the one on the left.

The first place we went was the Capital Building in Old San Juan. This is a very beautiful building with lots of marble from Europe. It looked like it was being renovated when we had our visit there. Even with that, the parts I could see where absolutely stunning to behold.

1. capital6, 2. capital5, 3. capital4, 4. capital3

Interesting to note: if this was in the continental USA instead of one of it commonwealths, it would be torn down -- how sad is that. This would have happened because it is in a public place mixing God and state. Are people crazy? I am glad it is there; I like the sentiment that God is watching over all.
The second place we went to was the Old Fort in Old San Juan. I loved this place; it had such character in the stone work and the sheer scale of things. You are able to see just the top of it from old capital building looking towards the old fort. If you look closely at the below photo, it is in the back of the photo on the left hand side.

1. cannonballs, 2. cannonballs2

Actually what is left of some old bricks at the fort in Old San Juan Puerto Rico. I was so impressed with the way they looked that I just had to take a few photos of them. Something about the way nature was tearing them down looked so peaceful and beautiful to me. You can see through some of them where the hole goes all the way through the bricks.
Back on ship dinner with friends the Rollos. (photo taken by Vicki)

Friday, February 08, 2008
Kokeshi Doll

I found it at a thrift store for 50 cents. I have seen these on the internet from $30.00 to $130.00. This looks like the lower end price scale to me, of the ones I have found, but I'm not sure. It has a signature on its base; I cannot read it, of course. Maybe someone can tell me the name of the artist who made it. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to date this, too.
Also, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if it is a girl or boy figure. I am leaning towards male, but I'm not sure because of what looks to be Kanzashi painted in the hair. I really like this doll; I also like the fact that it doesn't have arms. I'm also wondering what type of flower is represented here.

So far, I now know for sure this is a girl, and she is between 30 and 40 years old. She is made from one piece of wood; that was a question I was asked. The name is still a mystery, but I have been told one of the symbols means stone and that that is a common symbol in names, so not much there yet.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Part 1: First things first...
Warning: what fallows is one of those trip photo-sessions. Turn away if you don't want to see this. It is posted mostly for family to see, but have fun looking, even if you are not family.

We went on an air boat ride, looked at the alligators and crocs. The one the man is holding to the left I actually held. He is 3 feet long from tip of nose to tip of tail. Too bad the people who took the photo didn't understand how to use our camera and thought they had taken a photo when they hadn't, so no picture of me and my husband holding this guy. But I know I did, and that is all that matters.

After the boat ride and show we ate some food that the place called alligator nuggets which are supposed to be alligator meat; no bad thought here folks, it isn't that part of the gator. I don't know if it is true that it was 'gator or not, but it tasted good.

I am not sure anyone can ever look graceful from a below shot while climbing a rock wall. But yes, this is me and my husband. My husband is a real rock climber, mountain biker, snowboarder, ice climber and anything outside that fits in those concepts of outside. So, I would say he did it with much more finess than I did, because the last time I climbed I was 5 months pregnant with my first daughter (who is now 10). The harness didn't feel good cinching up on my pregnant belly, and I haven't climbed since. But I had fun doing this again; I am still a total novice, but I have to admit rock walls are much easier than the real thing, at least the ones I have been on.

But then nothing matches the grandeur of the things outside the ship that you can see. I feel like a little kid here as it is amazing to look at the horizon and not see mountains. I have always been able to see mountains from my home even growing up in California they were just 30 minuets away now I live on the side of a mountain.

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