Figured everyone might be tired of yoyo's, so here is another project I have going at the moment.

OK! So like most crafters I like to junk (thrift shop). A while back I came upon 208 little doilies, some white, some ecru. Upon first glance they looked like little hexagons. Obviously I only paid attention to the center rounds of the doilies because the center is six sided, but the outside has 7 sides. Now for all you math people out there who know that seven sided shapes, when attached together, do not fit as nice as hexs: yes, they make a spherical-like shape, not a flat surface.
Original plan tossed aside, I thought I could make another
hex skirt with a different patterned hex; no such luck. So now, what to do with all of these. I played with the layout for a bit and came up with the configuration in the photos, haven't decided yet if it is a collar for a little girl's summer nightgown or for a Sunday dress. So OK, 16 down once this is done; only 192 more to figure out.