This is an edging that I created over eight years ago. 
The sample was made 8 years ago when I was learning how to tat, and it has a few mistakes in it. I think it will still give you the idea of what it looks like. My tension is much
better now, and the rings would look more uniform now, as well.
= means future join
- means picot+ means current join
ds = double stitches
j = join
p= picot
capital letter means ring
lower case letter means chain
the number refer to the number of dc stitches.
Here is a sample I just tatted the aqua one.
Modern Pattern Version

A. 4=4=4
a. 6-2-6=4
B. 4+4=4
b. 4
C. 5+5-5=5
D. 5+5-2-2-5=5
E. 5+5-5=5
c. 4
F. 4+4=4
d. 4+6-2-6
repeat to
desired length
for easier reading, if you are not used to the method above, use the pattern below
Traditional short hand pattern
*Ring A : 4
ds, p, 4
ds, p, 4
ds, close ring
chain a: 6
ds, p, 2
ds, p, 6
ds, p, 4
dsRing B: 4
ds, p ( join to last p of last ring), 4
ds, p, 4
ds, close ring
chain b: 4
dsRing C: 5
ds, p (join last picot of last ring), 5
ds, p, 5
ds, p, 5
ds, close ring
Ring D: 5
ds, p (join last picot of last ring), 5
ds, p, 2
ds, p, 2
ds, p, 5
ds, p, 5
ds, close ring
Ring E: 5
ds, p (join last picot of last ring), 5
ds, p, 5
ds, p, 5
ds, close ring
chain c: 4
dsRing F: 4
ds, p ( join to last p of last ring), 4
ds, p, 4
ds, close ring
chain d: 4
ds, p ( join to last p of last ring), 6
ds, p, 2
ds, p, 6
ds *
repeat from * to * to desired length