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Sunday, July 30, 2006
front room rug and chairs
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Effie's dress started
Friday, July 28, 2006
Effie's cap
Effie now has a cute little cap, beret or tam whatever you want to call it.
Started to make her dress today, as well. I might go back and do some embroidery on the hat when I am all done making her outfit because it seems a little plain to me. I think I am making her a dress and jacket still; maybe socks and shoes, haven't decided as of yet. I think the jacket will be moss green in color. If I do embroidery, it would probably be bullion roses.
For those who are curious this is size 30 cebelia by DMC color number 223 and a size 11 hook. Her slip is size 10 thread and a size 6 hook, don't know the color number or company (vintage thread).
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Children's drawings
I am not sure if I look better in real life or through my children's eyes.
Romanian Crochet part 2
When you have made lots of these two things you can baste them to the pattern. The pattern pictured is from about 1900
The last picture is of a piece that is still getting the cord and rings basted to it. The filling needle stitches are started after all the basting is done. I have not done all the basting on this piece yet, so I have not started the filling stitches.
This piece, when completed, will go on top of my husband's up right grand piano. The piece is 6 feet long and 1 1/2 feet
The last two photos are of a piece that is complete and in my hall. I though it showed a good amount of filling stitches so that is why I am showing it.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Romanian Crochet part 1
Friday, July 21, 2006
bobbin lace "Princess lace machine"
Well, below is a picture of a piece I just started a little while ago, so not much is done on it. It will show you what a princess lace machine pillow from November 24, 1903, looks like. This photo was taken on my kids' drawing table. To protect the table from glue and ink stains and the like, the table has a covering of a plastic tablecloth. Not pretty, but functional. Please click on the photos to see the pictures better. If after you click on the photo the new picture has a + on the pointer then if you click again it will get even bigger. This doesn't happen (the second enlargement) with all photos, but some it does, so try. Thank you.
The last picture is a close up of the original pricking (aka pattern) that came with the pillow, and the lace I have started on it. The thread being used is a discontinued manuela tatting thread.
The bobbins in the photo are known as student bobbins. I have what is called midland bobbins, which are real nice, but they are not on this pillow. Midland bobbins are spangled (which means they have beads dangling from the bottom of the bobbin). The bobbins are the wood items you see
The pins that you see are for holding the thread in place until you have worked enough of the pattern to pull them out. Once pulled out the pattern will stay in place, and you can use the lace.
The basics of making the lace are a twist and a cross. Which is how the bobbins are manipulated to go left and right.
If you have more questions let me know, and I will try to answer them.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
100% wool ladybug room rug
I was cleaning the lady bug room (decorated with lady bugs, of course) last night and realized I had not shown any of the 100% hand-braided wool rugs that I make. This one just happens to be in my favorite colors. It is about 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. My biggest wool rug that I ever made is in my front room and is what is called a " coat of many colors rug" . That rug is 12 feet by 19 feet, and it took me a bout 1 year to make, working more than 8 hours a day on it. Some day I might post a picture of that one because it is kind of hard to take photos of. Lots of furniture on top of it makes it real hard to see in photos.
Take a minute to look on the Internet if you crochet or knit because there are lots of charities that accept this type of item. You could make some in your spare time and help others in need.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
scarves knitted and crochet patterns
Colors, Colors everywhere and what to do with them.......
Let's make a scarf, or two, or three, or dozens!
Just a few scarves I have made for family members; this is a beginners project. If you want to do this type of scarf, follow the link.
knit version http://www.keyboardbiologist.net/Patterns/DropStitchScarf.htm
crochet version http://www.crochetme.com/Feb_Mar_2005/patt_dropstitch_scarf.html
Have fun with all the new styles of yarns out there.
I made about 200 of these last year at Christmas. They don't take long, and they are just funky fun to wear. Of course, the one on the right is actually just knit stitch and warm wool. Everyone needs just a basic scarf if you live in an area that gets snow, and I do.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Plate o'pearls
The problem is, I cannot remember who Alicia is. I am sure I agreed to trade something with her. Now I am vexed as to what it was. Alicia, help me remember if you read this. To me, mother of pearl buttons are just some of the loveliest things in the world; they have a real iridescence about them. If you have never seen one up close, click on the picture. It is just wonderful and amazing that an animal could make such a thing for protection. Too bad bombs can't be more pretty and useful and less destructive.
apron and pattern
The first of many aprons to come.
Didn't work on Effie much this weekend; made an apron instead. This is a sort of hostess's apron; it reminds me of Mother's Day or Easter. I have a question -- I debated on making a crochet pansy and either placing it on the waist band or the right side bottom of the apron; any opinions? I still need to finish off the ribbons and sew them neatly so you won't see frayed edges. This is not the type of apron that will keep your clothes clean. It just states "I am the hostess. If you have questions, ask me, and don't I look pretty."
1 ball each of two contrasting colors=CCA, CCB
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
7 church cloths
Still working on Effie's slip and drafting patterns from the cloths for me to keep. But it is a good day; I'm having fun doing what I love, and it is a nice, sunny day.
Don't they just look so pretty all stacked up nice and neat; I hate to see them go back to their owner, but back they must go. However, they will look so pretty in their home, especially since their holes are all repaired. I would say they are still holy, in a religious sense, but not in an "I'm torn" sense any more. Which, of course, is the preferable way of being, that is if you wish to be holy.
Effie has undies and a doll cupboard
Plan a craft day with your kids. Mine made me these necklaces that now hang with pride for all to see in our front room. I thought they where making them for themselves, then they gave them to me. Enjoy these days of fun and play; they don't last long.
Here is Effie the way she came.
Now she is showing off her new under clothing with a little wave to say hi.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Carved Goose Egg
But I do know the carving I did last. This is a goose egg that I carved about 3 years
Please click on picture for a larger view. I am a novice at this because that is my first egg. But, if you click on the link below, you will see some amazing eggs. In time I hope to be this good.
Effie arrives with gifts
She arrived safely, Nancy. Iit will take me a little to figure out what to make for her. Then I make it and send her home to you. Just wanted to post this so you would know she arrived, safe and sound. I love the thread -- such wonderful colors. I have not had a chance to look at the patterns yet (I wanted to let you know she was here), but they look neat. Thank you.
If you happened to notice the tiny hexagon quilt in this photo, it is one I am making that needs to be quilted still. The pattern is called grandmother's flower garden. The size of the hexagons is 1/4 inch per side; a true minutre.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
thought of aprons
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Legend of the Rooster of Barcelos
The Legend of the Rooster of Barcelos
Barcelos Rooster
"One of the most famous figurines of Portuguese handicrafts is the well-known rooster (cock) of Barcelos, which has become a national tourism symbol for Portugal.
The 14th century cross, which forms part of the patrimony of the Archaeological Museum of the town of Barcelos, is associated with the curious legend of the cock. According to this legend, the inhabitants were very perturbed by a crime of which it had not been possible to discover the author.
One day, however, there appeared a man from Galicia who was suspected of having committed the crime. He was arrested and, notwithstanding his protests of iinnocence, nobody believed him when he said that he was on his way to São Tiago de Compostela to fulfill a vow; that he was a fervent devotee of that Saint who was venerated on a par with St. Paul and Our Lady in Compostela.
And so he was condemned to be hanged. But before the execution, he asked to be taken to the presence of the judge who had pronounced the sentence. His request was granted, and they took him to the house of the magistrate, who was dining with some friends.
The Galician once again protested his innocence, and, to the amazement of those present, pointed to a roast chicken on the table and exclaimed: "As surely as I am innocent, will that cock crow if I am hanged!" There was an outburst of laughter and comments, but in the end, nobody touched the cock. But what seemed impossible actually happened."
" When the pilgrim was being hanged, the cock stood up on the table and crowed. No one any longer doubted the innocence of the condemned man. The judge rushed to the gallows and, horrified, saw the wretched man with the rope around his neck. But the knot was caught and thus prevented him from being strangled.
He was immediately released and sent on his way in peace. Years later, he returned to Barcelos and built the monument to the Virgin and St. James."
quoted from porto express
Antique doiley re drafted
size 11 hook
r = ring
ch = chain
slst = slip stitch
dc = double crochet
tb = treble crochet
nxt = next
sp = space
sk = skip
x = repeat the number of times the number that follows
* and ** = start and stop of repeats
Thursday, July 06, 2006
happy birthday mom
These always remind me of my dear mother-in-law and the 4th of July. I know it is 2 days late, but I will post this now in honor of her and the 4th. Saw these on a little morning walk and could not resist a photo so sweet and fragile. Yet very happy to greet the world with a big smile.