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Love Sunshine
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Love Sunshine
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Turned heel and inside
I turned the heel last night in class. Funny thing was that is where she told us to be at the end of last weeks class for the starting of last nights class. I was the only one there. I didn't even work on mine all week till yesterday. The heel has the knit stitches twisted on purpose to add a textured look to the piece in that area.
Oh well that is how it goes started two other socks will show them later they are the copies of the ones from my youth.
I am including the inside of the sock because my cousin Ann likes to see the back side of work. So there you go.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Christmas Stocking
christmas stocking, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.
Here is the progress I have made on my Christmas stocking. I did most of this today as I have class tonight and was supposed to have it to this point. Which this morning was at the same place it was when I posted about it last. Not to bad for one days work.
Gift from Sister
gift from sister in law, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.
My sister (by marriage but a true sister in my heart) gave me this nice pair of gloves the other day that she made. We had discussed that I needed lots of gloves for winter and fall. I have been trying to make some but not progressing as fast as I would like and would need. I asked if she could help me with this. She was gracious and said yes I was happy to get all the supplies and needles for her so it wouldn't cost her a thing I was so grateful for the help. She made a pair for me. It was her very first set of gloves she has ever made. I feel very honored to wear them and they are made well too. She combined a few patterns to come up with these so not only are they her first pair but becasue she combined so many different pattern it is her own pattern as well because of all the modifications. thank you ever so much Danica.. Much love and appreciation.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pink lace gloves
Pink lace gloves, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.
I have finished these gloves. My middle daughter loves them. Those are her hands in the first photo top left. They came out nice. The color is not correct in the top left photo the others are more accurate to true color.
Some changes I would make the next time I will go up one size needle and make the fingers longer but still not closed and I would make them a little longer up the arm. I really like them even with the few mistakes I can see in them good learning experience I can tell I need to get better at knitting lace still. My stitch if you look close at the back of the work don't look the same from the left side ( which I like ) to the right side where the knit two togethers are. I need to figure that out as it bugs me tons.
Some changes I would make the next time I will go up one size needle and make the fingers longer but still not closed and I would make them a little longer up the arm. I really like them even with the few mistakes I can see in them good learning experience I can tell I need to get better at knitting lace still. My stitch if you look close at the back of the work don't look the same from the left side ( which I like ) to the right side where the knit two togethers are. I need to figure that out as it bugs me tons.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Knitted Christmas Stocking
This is a stocking I started last nigt for a class I am taking at a local yarn and knit shop. My family use to have lots of stockings made by the nuns in the area where I grew up. I am wanting to learn how to make stockings so I can copy those old patterns. The ones the family has are in serious need of repair. That won't happen but I hope to at least be able to make a new set of the ones from my childhood so that my children can have them.

This one is fair isle but the ones from my youth are not they are the back and forth time. The name for that escapes me at this moment but i think it is intarsia. I may end up using this stocking as a Christmas gift for my children's school teachers but we will see.
This one is fair isle but the ones from my youth are not they are the back and forth time. The name for that escapes me at this moment but i think it is intarsia. I may end up using this stocking as a Christmas gift for my children's school teachers but we will see.
Monday, September 20, 2010
One down one to go
So I have made some progress on Pink Aurora. I worked on it during my children's soccer games on Saturday. So I have completed one and will make a second... I guess that is to be expected with out me saying so. I like the lace work on these I also like the weight of them not to heavy but warm enough for spring and early fall to keep my wrists and hands warm. In the future I will make some with longer fingers but all things in time. I will also make some with complete fingers to of course in different colors and patterns.
My sister Danica is being kind and helping me try and get some gloves made before fall sets in as the cold already makes my hands hurt and slows me down. I am hopeful to make a lot of gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, wrist warmers and gauntlets this fall winter season. Don't know if it will happen but hopeful. The more I have the better I can keep my hands from hurting and the better they will match more outfits and not look so weird I hope. Lots of hope in this text silly isn't it. On a side note I liked the crochet edging the pattern called for stopped the cuff from rolling without a ribbing being there.
My sister Danica is being kind and helping me try and get some gloves made before fall sets in as the cold already makes my hands hurt and slows me down. I am hopeful to make a lot of gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, wrist warmers and gauntlets this fall winter season. Don't know if it will happen but hopeful. The more I have the better I can keep my hands from hurting and the better they will match more outfits and not look so weird I hope. Lots of hope in this text silly isn't it. On a side note I liked the crochet edging the pattern called for stopped the cuff from rolling without a ribbing being there.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
making aurora
I have been trying to make a pair of gloves lately, actually lots of gloves not much success but that is another story. Here is a pair I would really like to get done. It is a very pretty pattern, but I have modified it as I am using a much smaller needle size 0 as apposed to a 3. I also have more repeats and added a thumb gusset but the over all feel is still the same as the original. I really love all the patterns from this fiber artist you should check them out she has lots of free patterns. Oh and this one was one of her free patterns. I am using a size 5 pearl cotton that I bought thrift a long time ago for 50 cents. I still have tons of this and I have used it tons as well. I will be able to make more stuff with this when done with the gloves too. It is amazing how much thread come on a spool.
Update she dose have an etsy store where she sells finished gloves and a few other patterns that she has that are not free but real inexpensive. So worth the price. I have them and they are very well written and in English. They have a lot more information than her free pattern which is to be expected.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A few projects...
I have a few projects in the works at the moment. They are going much slower than normal but I am progressing. Look for the pattern of two of these fingerless mittens in early October (on the right side) they will be free patterns. The other (green and yellow)is a pattern that someone else has on Ravlry. The green and yellow wool is some I Kool-aid dyed over the summer with my girls. My oldest daughter picked out the yarn for this project she liked the yellow and green together.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
for your enjoyment...or sorrow
Look at this how you will
the images are beautiful but the sentiment is sad
the images are beautiful but the sentiment is sad
Monday, September 06, 2010
Book Signing and class
There will be a book signing on September 29th at the Heinselman's in Provo, Utah. Followed by a class on how to make a scarf using yo-yo crochet. If you want to take the class it is 2 hours long and is for two weeks. Book signing is on Sept. 29th from 5-6 pm. The class will follow the signing on the 29th from 6-8 pm and the second half is October 6 from 6-8pm
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Definition of hands
hands hands n.
1. a person's power or discretionary action; as, my fate is in your hands. Syn: custody.[WordNet 1.5]
2. The force of workers available; as, all hands on deck. Syn: work force, manpower, men. [WordNet 1.5]
A dictionary containing a natural history requires too many hands, as well as too much time, ever tobe hoped for. --Locke. ; -- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
n 1: (with `in') guardianship over; in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child; "my fate is in your hands"; "too much power in the president's hands"; "your guests are now in my custody"; "the mother was awarded custody of the children" [syn: custody]
2: the force of workers available [syn: work force, manpower, men] -- From WordNet (r) 2.0
41 Moby Thesaurus words for "hands":
administration, authority, claws, clutches, command, control, disposition, domination, dominion, empery, empire, fighting force, firepower, forces, governance, government, grasp, grip, gripe, hand, helm, hold, iron hand, jurisdiction, mastership, mastery,men, personnel, power, raj, regnancy, reign, reins of government, rule, sovereignty, sway, talons, the big battalions, troops, units,work force -- From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
Now that you have read all this you are probably wondering why I have looked up the meaning for hands. For me the word means in general the plural of hand which equals hand made or made by hand. Well as of late I have had some issues with doing the hand made it has been coming on for about 1 1/2 to 2 years. But when the season started to go cold the last little bit it went crazy so I went to the doctor and my concerns have been confirmed Osteoarthritis. Not sure what this means will happen in the future and I am working on strengthening my muscles and such in the hopes of staying this back a little but we will see how that goes. I know lots of people have this but that doesn't make it any easier mentally or physically for me. I was told this was an old woman's disease that woman don't usually get it till after 55. Well I am not even 40 and I have it. There are very specific reasons for this in my life to many to go into in detail in short past sports injuries, Von Willenbrands Disease and some modern medicine induced medical reasons that have happened in the last year that I prefer not to go into detail on. All of which contributed to this. I plan on doing handwork till I return to my maker I hope I get the chance too.
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