Family WIP Friday.
The girls and I are in a yo-yo swap that ends tomorrow. We where in charge of it, so we already have ours. We have made way more than the 56 each that was needed for the swap. We were to make 218 between all 4 of us, which we did and then some more for fun. More like 300 - 500 for fun.

Some we made because a few people had circumstances that came up and they couldn't complete blocks, so one set I did half of for the lady; two dropped out completely, so we made those two sets as well. So out of 14 people we did 6 1/2 people's yo-
yos and had great fun, too. I would gladly do it again; we had so much fun I hope everyone likes theirs. One lady was real kind and made extra yo-
yos to give to the girls, then decided to just give us her whole allotment. Makes us real close, I think, to having enough for this project. Not really, but I will look at it that way. We are a lot closer than we would have been.

The girls want to make a table cloth out of them for their drawing/craft area. I think they will get over that idea quick and it will end up on some other table or sea trunk in the house. But I am good with it if they think they can handle a bumpy drawing surface.
So we spent a few hours today sorting colors, matching colors, stringing yo-
yos so they stay matched ,and then made one block so we could see the lay-out (more so they could).
One asked is this family night. I guess it sort of was family night.

We normally do that on Monday but this was just as good; we were all together having fun.
We haven't decided if it will have two rows of petals of not. Think we are just going to make all the block centers first, then play with the layout (the centers equal the first two rows of the flower) . Then we will see if all the flowers will touch or have a boarder or add one more row of petals.
This is where we stand at the moment -- one block made. Not the normal assembly, but I think it will be stronger this way, for little kids to use.
We may change the whole thing and make it into a four patch, much faster sewing.
If you get a chance, go
here to watch a real funny short; it is so hilarious we watched it over and over again today. I can relate to the person in the clip way too much for sanity. After you click on the above "here" you will be on a new page. You will have to scroll up in the new page on Heather's site. Then just click on the arrow in the middle of the picture to watch. It is so funny! Please come back after watching and post here to let me know what you think. I am laughing just thinking about it.
Update Sept. 30 All the yo-yos are in the mail