Some costumes I have made for other productions are being used in this production of The Importance of Being Earnest plus a few new items too. Always fun to costumes get a second life in another production.
Working as a stitcher at UVU under contract by Sundance for this up and comming production of the WIZARD of OZ. Helping make Glenda and Jitterbugs currently I know I will work on some of the munchkins costumes too.

Helped with costume repair for Les Miserables at the Hale Center theater. My first time helping with a real theater company. Had fun learning and growing from this experience hope to do more of this in the future.
I had a pattern make it to the top 20 of
what's hot right now chart on ravely
Jan 14, entered in at number 20 up to 10 before it dropped out

My blog got featured in Good housekeeping
Januuary 5th I noticed this not sure what day it actually happened
November 2014
Was featured on this blog Hobby Craft for having one of
"17 best rag rugging ideas of 2014"

October 2014
The Wizard of Oz worked on over 50 different peoples costumes and over 200 pieces of costuming I am backing out of the costuming some this year as I have had a real sick child.
August 2014
my blog was feature with 39 other tutorials on recycling jeans on
June 2014
On concert Choir Tour as part of Tech Crew to the choir my middle daughter was Crew Chief and my Oldest was in the choir.
May 2014
Our town
A mid summer nights dream did all the main fairies full costume, Puck, Bottom, Parts of Oberon and parts of every one else. I am slowing down on costumes I have a very sick child.
Trail of Dreams
this phot was taken during tech rehearsals
Some costumes I have made for other productions are being used in this production of The Importance of Being Earnest plus a few new items too. Always fun to costumes get a second life in another production.
Working as a stitcher at UVU under contract by Sundance for this up and comming production of the WIZARD of OZ. Helping make Glenda and Jitterbugs currently I know I will work on some of the munchkins costumes too.

what's hot right now chart on ravely
Jan 14, entered in at number 20 up to 10 before it dropped out

My blog got featured in Good housekeeping
Januuary 5th I noticed this not sure what day it actually happened
November 2014
Was featured on this blog Hobby Craft for having one of
"17 best rag rugging ideas of 2014"

October 2014
The Wizard of Oz worked on over 50 different peoples costumes and over 200 pieces of costuming I am backing out of the costuming some this year as I have had a real sick child.
August 2014
my blog was feature with 39 other tutorials on recycling jeans on
June 2014
On concert Choir Tour as part of Tech Crew to the choir my middle daughter was Crew Chief and my Oldest was in the choir.
May 2014
Our town
A mid summer nights dream did all the main fairies full costume, Puck, Bottom, Parts of Oberon and parts of every one else. I am slowing down on costumes I have a very sick child.
Trail of Dreams
this phot was taken during tech rehearsals
May 2013
Had fun making such over the top types of costumes. Aunt March's costume was long to make but I learned a lot on that piece.
May 2013
May 2012
Pride and Predjudice
was a stitcher on this play

October 2012
here is the current production I am making costumes for. Excited to make the curtain clothes silly but true.May 2012
Pride and Predjudice
was a stitcher on this play


October 2011
Next Play that I am doing some of the costumes for. I am working on 157 different pieces for this play currently.
June 2011
I have one project in this book coming out in June
by C and T Publishing.
24 stitched projects to celebrate any date
by Design Collective
#10764, 112 p, color 8 x 8
isbn 978-1-60705-174-9
You can pre order now
I helped just be happy with her new baby toddler hat book which is now out. I am listed as one of the editors in the book I hae not seen a hard copy yet to know for sure how it reads. She was a lovely person to help I hope she goes far with her crochet. The patterns are easy to follow and cute
Februrary 2011
The Patritic program the spirit of America Speaks.
January 2011
CAL = Crochet Along
There is a crochet along happening on ravelry that is using the Snow Queen as the pattern if any one is interested in joining it go to the first link above.
I did not start it but I was invited to join the group. Will be fun to see how many different yarns and threads are used in this. Please feel free to join in the fun.
Designed the costumes for the musical Fiddler on the Roof.
Made and worked on over 220 items for this production in less than two weeks.
The last few Days of December the snow queen pattern on Ravelry was rated number one it had been in the top 20 for a majority of that month
November 2010 The pattern that was featured in the September issue of Crochet (see below) is now featured for free on their site.
September 2010
Easy As 1-2-3 -- Fun With Yo-Yos
Designs by Wendy Harbaugh
The center yo-yos in these fun projects look like individual little circles, but they are cleverly created in one continuous piece before the edging is added.
Book Signing and class
There will be a book signing on September 29th at the Heinselman's in Provo, Utah from 5 - 6 p.m.
176 West Center Street
Provo, UT 84601-4418
(801) 373-5193
This was only decided on Aug 12, 2010 and won't be available for sign up till there newsletter comes out End of August.Provo, UT 84601-4418
(801) 373-5193
There will a class that follows to learn how to do this technique. If you want to take the class it is two 2 hour long sessions you will have a completed project when the class is done.
Class dates and times are
September 29th from 6 - 8 p.m.
and the second half is October 6 from 6 - 8p.m.
Also available at Amazon.
April 2010
PDF of yoyo crochet is now available through Annie's Attic
December 2009

August 2009
I have an apron tutorial posted on Sew, Mama, Sew for their month of hand sewing. They have also posted an introduction in the contributors section.
I was given a blog award. Thank you I like the award it is very sweet. I am grateful you thought of me thank you and many happy returns of the day.
June 2009
yoyo tutorial Featured all over the internet- http://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/2009/06/my-heart-skipped-abeat.html
- http://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/2009/06/got-featured-few-times.html
February 2009
Was called "The Patriotic ProgramThe Spirit of America Speaks"
I could not find an old photo of the add for it.
Jumped in as costumer when the main one got hurt and could not finish during tech rehearsals been costuming plays ever since
This was my daughter in the Patritic program
Store items featured in etsy treasuryWas called "The Patriotic ProgramThe Spirit of America Speaks"
I could not find an old photo of the add for it.
Jumped in as costumer when the main one got hurt and could not finish during tech rehearsals been costuming plays ever since
This was my daughter in the Patritic program
- http://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/2009/02/another-item-in-treasury-west-on-etsy.html
- http://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/2009/02/looky-look-that-me.html
December 2008
My embroidered ornament as one of the features in their Christmas newspaper insert.
August 2008
I received the excellent award from http://stitchinginatlanta.blogspot.com/
August 2007

April 2007
My head wraps as seen in Mary Jane Butters book "Stitching Room". I also helped edit this book.
April 2007
There is a E-zine (electronic magazine) that just came out called "Small Town Living". My English Paper piecing tutorial is a feature in this e-zine. You can find it on pages 25 -31. This is the second time I have been a feature in this magazine; the first was the Jan/Feb issue.
March 2007
February 2007
There is a E-zine (electronic magazine) that just came out called "Small Town Living". I got a write up in this magazine on pages 20 - 23. This is the first magazine I've had a feature in. I wish Tina and her husband lots of success with their baby mag; it is on its third edition. My tutorial on how to make a felt holiday snowman ornament.
July 2006
re-release The Wendy Tapes V 2.4Artist: David Houston
The Wendy Tapes Artist: David Houston
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