My family likes to go to Ren-Faires there was one today. So one of my children went as a pirate, one a dark fae/devil and one as a fox (with armor go figure).

We went late in the day after my middle daughter got off of work so we didn't get to do all the things we usually do That being said we did a lot of stuff still and wore ourselves out.

Two of the costumes we put together in about 5 minutes the other took about 10 mins the joys of having a mom who makes costumes for a living.
Can you tell one of my kids is a ham.

We watched the jousting and the fire eaters talked to the mermaids and so on all the regular things you do at a ren-faire like eat funnel cake at the end of the day we sat down under some trees to rest from the sun and took some photos.

We took our puppy with us to the faire so he can get use to people he was a pirate for a little bit but really didn't like the hat and pouted.
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