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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Lace Number 5 from 111 easy edgings

close up of number 5

So far, the book is true to its name; they are easy edgings. I know the pineapple one didn't look that way, but if you memorized three small parts, the rest sort of worked itself out. Yesterday I had meetings, again, at my kids' school. I get to be a substitute art teacher there. I know, how is that going to work with my current job? I do not know because one is my bread and butter, and one is part of a dream job. So, I will have to take that one day at a time. Anyway, during the breaks, and at lunch time, I worked on pattern 5 from the 111 easy edging book. It is an insertion, although you could use it as an edging. I have no idea if I had a full or partial ball because it was purchased at a thrift store without a wrapper, so I also have no idea how old the thread is. However, I tend to think it is fairly new thread and not vintage, but I really like the color pattern in it. The amount of thread I had made a lace that is 2 1/2 yards long.
edging number 5 ( insertion)


  1. Absolutely beautiful lace - probably my favorite so far. You will love substituting and it may just lead to a full-time job. That happens often - good luck.


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