My middle daughter found this jean jacket thrift shopping and really liked it but she wanted to embellish it yesterday. So she drew a rose on it and started to sort of cross hatch it and I commented that it would look better if she stippled it so yes her response was pretty much I do not stipple well so can you help me.

Which translates into mom will you do that part for me. So she is
drawing the rose and leaves and thorn vines (still in the works) on to
the jacket with pencil.

Then I get the fun of coloring it in with millions of little dots of permanent ink. I have a card board (cake board) inside the jacket for rigidity while drawing and to keep the over inking from going to the front side of the jacket. I usually do this type of thing on paper but it is fun to do on fabric as the colors bleed and blend better.

Stipple always sort of has a look of a tattoo about it to me. I guess that makes since since tattoos are basically stipple drawings on peoples bodies. But I prefer this much more over a tattoo less permanent. Funny to me as I did use permanent sharpie markers to color this in. I will heat set it before it gets washed or worn. Because of the over inking I am worried it may still run but I doubt it.
This will probably have bead-work before we are done with it to add depth to it and more colors.
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