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Monday, December 05, 2011

RPLAL 2011 holly berry ornament December

holyMy family has decided to make a few ornaments for the holidays.  My oldest daughter and I have drafted patterns together again to be able to share with my blog readers so if you would like to join my family in making ornaments please do and add your finished work to the RPL group on flicker or ravelry.

I will be doing a beaded ring just to show you how to do it and add another ring to the list of rings you know how to do.  If you want to  download the PDF pattern now. This is for personal use only.  Do not sell things made from this pattern to be used as gifts only.

Previous tutorials that might be useful during the year
  1. making cord
  2. single rings
  3. 3 ring groupings
  4. transferring pattern
  5. basting
  6. Unraveling cord and sewing to another cord
  7. joining ends of cords together
Tutorials for making the 3 ornaments the 4th ornament is for you to design your own filling stitches for.  For the pattern see above link in the paragraph
  1. part 1
  2. part 2
  3. part 3


  1. It won't load from here. I'll try from Ravelry.

  2. weird it just did for me let me know how ravelry goes

  3. Loaded easily for me. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
