Where do you want to go

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Glass tour (Holdman Studios)

I didn't take as many photos as I wanted to because this is a working studio and some projects are hush hush until they are mounted in place in their prospective buildings.  But it was so neat to see stain glass windows that will placed in LDS temples and other buildings too before they get placed there.  So lovely and so many pieces they are amazing works of art all of them.

Glass blowing Studio
Holdman studios

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chainmaille bracelets

Remember a while back I went to visit my sister in law and she and I played with chain mail.  While visiting I made a belt for her husband.  She was making some other chainmaille bracelets at that time for her mother-in- law and another sister-in- law.  She said I could post these so I am I think she did a great job and she took pretty good photos too.  She did such a good job I wanted to post these here.  Hard to believe a bunch of jump rings and some crystals can make those but so cool.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hope your day is filled with love and family

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Joining two cord ends togehter in RPL

Here is a tutorial of how to join two ends of Romanian point lace to each other.  Usually this is best to happen in a spot where you will be making the join above another cord so it is more invisible from the front of the lace.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Part 3 filling stitches holly berry ornament

So here is the final tutorial on the holly berry ornaments and embellishments.  This one is the one I did that had the beads on the berry.
Here  I am using it at a hat pin but you could pin it on a jacket or purse or any place else you would like a little holiday cheer.

Monday, December 19, 2011

just playing

I had a child Christmas performance to go to last week Friday and during that performance I made "an ornament" at least that is what the author calls the pattern .
IMG_9139_medium2IMG_9142_medium2 IMG_9143_medium2
But to me unless you have one humongous tree this is way to big for an ornament.  On Sunday two of my daughters had holly berry hair-clip to wear to church.  I didn't have time to finish the third ( it would take several hours) but I saw that triangle /coaster/ doily / ornament/ thing sitting where I had been working on it.  I thought you know might make an interesting hat/headband.  

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Part 2: 5 filling stitches for RPL Stitches

This is the filling stitches for the second holly berry leaf.
We will be using the design below that you can download now if you have not already.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Part 1: 3 filling stitches for RPL & Removing the lace


gift tag
hair decorationas sock embellishment For the next few days on here I will be posting about doing needle filling stitches in Romanian Point Lace. These stitches can be used in other types of needle lace as well such as tennerrife lace, batternberg, Retticella and other point laces like drawn thread work ...and so on.  I am showing here a few ideas for these little motifs to be used as hair and tree ornaments, Embellishments for Christmas socks and clothes ie little girls dress or sweaters you can make it a pin and wear it on a winter hat or purse or a simply decorate a gift box (as one of the above  ie make it a pin or hair clip  or ornament then use it as a tag so the recipient gets a pretty gift  then they can wear the item too).  Please read on if you want to learn how to make these stitches and add them to your RPL.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Unraveling cord & sewing to another cord / video tutorial

Here is  ruffly a 6 min video I put together to help the two Romanian point lace groups that I admin on Ravelry and Flickr.  I am hoping this will help other people here too that read my blog.  Since there is not much information in English about this type of lace.  I hope to be able to make a pretty good data base here for  people to reference instead of doing what I had to do it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Basting RPL

3/4 basted
On to the basting of a cord to the pattern template
  • pattern
  • cord
  • rings/ flowers/ leaves what ever is applicable for embellishments
  • contrasting color  thread (to cord and other element embellishments) for basting
  • sharp needle to use with basting thread
Start off by threading needle and adding a knot to the end of the thread (the thread doesn't needle to be doubled up).

Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 ring berries for Dec RPL

I have had a busy week of concert practice and performances and office party and too much stuff .   Now back to the tutorial I promised for the  holly berry December RPLAL (Romanian point lace along).  Making the set of 3 ring berries theses are three simple versions but of course you could always do the bullion grapes from the link at the bottom of the last post about rings.

For this tutorial I an using size 1/2 inch rings size 10 steel hook and size 10 crochet thread and the beads are a size 10 as well.  and 24 stitches per ring

Monday, December 05, 2011

Transferring pattern for RPL

all drawn in 
There are several ways to transfer a pattern if you have an ink jet printer you can buy transfer paper at your local office supply store and just iron it on to the fabric.  If you have a light table ( or window) you can just trace it.   Makes the arm tired on the window and the pin has to be held at an odd angle so the ink doesn't run out.

RPLAL 2011 holly berry ornament December

holyMy family has decided to make a few ornaments for the holidays.  My oldest daughter and I have drafted patterns together again to be able to share with my blog readers so if you would like to join my family in making ornaments please do and add your finished work to the RPL group on flicker or ravelry.