Where do you want to go

Friday, June 26, 2009

11 year olds progress on her afghan

11 year olds afghan
She hasn't given up on her thread project, yet; just put it on hold till this yoyo afghan project is done. She is doing fairly well; she has started making a ton of centers so then she can just build on them. Her plan is a 9 by 12 block lay-out for her bed, so she needs 108 blocks, total. She hasn't decided yet, but she may make two of these afghans because she has a set of bunks in her room. All the little squares you see in the photo are centers for other blocks; she just wanted to see how much total area she has covered so far.


  1. What creative, industrious daughters you have. I love the array of colours.

    Cal :>

  2. wow! She is almost 1/3 of the way there already, well done! it is going to look great!!
