Where do you want to go

Friday, June 26, 2009

3 down out of 208 opps 212

Remember those doilies I found at the thrift Well, I found 4 more of the same pattern; must have missed them last time. Plus, I bought a 50 cent ball of thread that had another doily in a different pattern half done inside of it. So I started to take the half done doily apart because I didn't like the way the person had done it. But I like the center part, so I stopped and thought what could I do to save the middle part and make it useful to me and my family. So I came up with this idea; I am sure others have thought of it before because it is so simple. Take doily and make a hair bun cover or a snood. I took photos while I was making the second one so I will post a tutorial later in the next 2 to 4 days. I used up 3 of those 208 doilies which are now 212 doilies.

1st one from the doily found in the 50 cent ball of thread:
1st one 3/4 view
1st one side view
1st one
2nd and 3rd ones:
2nd and 3rd one
2nd and 3rd one side view
4th one:
4th one
All four together with three silly girls! Because I was making these out of already-made doilies, they are the color of the original doily, but they would be cute in real bright colors to match spring and summer outfits or holiday themes.


  1. They look great, I'll look forward to your tut!

  2. They look fabulous. What a great idea.

  3. I must say this is a great idea for recycling!!

  4. These are really cute! I can picture your girls all wanting to try them! I am trying to figure out how you made them stay on--with elastic or attached to some kind of hair band? Looking forward to your tutorial on this one, as well!
