Where do you want to go

Friday, June 26, 2009

My 9 year olds progress on afghan

middle daughters doiley
My middle daughter decided that thread was too slow and wanted to work with yarn. Shown above is her thread work with white edging to make it into a doily.

So, just as with the older sister, I told her to go get stuff from the acrylic yarn box that I don't use any more. She continued with the granny square theme, but with a rainbow of colors, and it went much faster for her. She wants to make it big enough to fit her twin-size bed. She is doing pretty good; it covers all of her except her head at the moment, so she is about half-way there.
middle daughters afghan
Here is a photo of the two in comparison. Sorry (blurry photo), it is a rainy day here today; not great lighting. The hand in the last two photos is that of my 7-year old to give you an idea of how big this is.
comparison between afghan and doiley
This is her first big project other than Russian needle punch. I think she is having fun with it. She and her sister are having a contest of who can get done with their acrylic afghans first. The winner gets a fabric latch hook kit I bought at a thrift store for $0.75. Hey, maybe they will get them done before summer ends and they have to go back to school! Never thought something I bought for 75 cents could be such an incentive.
daughter with her project
This last photo is of the daughter who is making this afghan.


  1. Oh my goodness, good on her, she is doing so well!!
    Love the colours she has chosen and her crochet looks great.
