Where do you want to go

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cool in-laws

old fashion tin eggs
My in-laws, one of which edits this blog for me, got me some real cool Christmas gifts. If you have read this blog for a while you know I like old fashioned tin eggs and have been looking for them for awhile. My mother-in-law, the dear she is, gave me 2 dozen eggs for Christmas to add to my collection. It was real cute: she put them inside of egg creates to give them to me. At first I was "what is this?" when I saw the side of the egg boxes. Then, when I flipped it over and saw the top of the box, I could see the tin eggs inside! So cool, to say the least. My MIL started looking for these back in March when I posted about them. I think she found them on E bay. When they showed up at her house after my birthday and after Easter she decided to hold on to them 'till Christmas.
the crafters companion
I also got some real cool craft books from them for Christmas, too. I have been wanting these for awhile; just was waiting for the right time. I guess the right time came to someone else.
bend the rules sewing


  1. uau! your in laws are pretty cool:)
    i have the second one, but never heard of the first!

  2. really nice gifts!love the eggs, they are real cute, and those books look like they have some fun ideas in them.
