Where do you want to go

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Explore on Flickr

felt snow man done, style:<span class=

I have wondered for awhile how people get pictures on explore. Today I noticed I had two. "Cool," I thought, "but how do I figure out which ones they are?" So I set out searching; with over 500 photos, I wasn't sure where to begin so I started by checking my most popular photos. I figured out that it goes by the date you uploaded the photo. So I checked a few of those, but that was way to much work to look at over 500 photos for each day to see if I had one in there. After about two hours I figured, "Well, fd's Flickr Toys that I used to make the profile widget flickr bar above of my photos knows how to find it or it wouldn't be on my bar." So I went to their site and looked around; sure enough, they have a tool called scout which finds them for you. Boy, that was much easier; it was not hard to find them, then.

So, if you are like me and wanted to know which ones, also if you didn't know how to find out if you had some and which they where, I hope this helps you.

I have posted them here for you to see, too. I actually guessed the orange one and I figured it was a felt ornament for the other; I was just not sure if it was the heart, dove1 , dove2 or snowman, at first. I know why they interest me, but I have no idea why this was interesting to people on flickr. I have a tutorial on how to make the orange daisies and how to make a felt ornament if you want to make some, too.

The funny thing about explore is that it changes from day to day so one day you may have 4 and the next none. As other people who uploaded on that day may have more views and such all of a sudden and bump you off the list.

crazy daisies

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