Where do you want to go

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Moth's / Mote's fairy costume

IMG_7905moth I am glad I did not make the costumes as soon as I new the actresses measurements and waited a few months as one of the main fairies dropped out of the play and was replaced by a girl with a very different physical  appearance than the first one.  I am happy with the new choice she has brown hair which I think will fit the character of Moth better.  Wish cobweb had black hair but she is a blond oh well that is how it goes.  Moth was a blond now she is a brunette.  It is something you may not have noticed but the costumes keep getting smaller and smaller you can tell by the way they change the way they fit on my middle daughter. IMG_7910I started out with the tallest actresses so I could keep cutting the pattern down.  So as I went threw the girls in the play I  could just keep trimming the pattern. This way I would not have to buy more than two of this pattern.  One to cut up and one to keep.  We started out in size 14 then 12 then 8 then 6 the next one is also a size 6 but with all the seams removed it will make since when you see Puck why there are no seams just tons of grommets about 80 of them.

Now on to describe Moth which is the fairy you see in these photos.  I wanted moon light and star light represented by this costume.  As Moths always fly at night and to lights and so on.  So this costume has way more glitter, sequins and gold on it than the other costumes have.  I wish I had a photo at night that had worked.  When this costume spins at night with a spot  light on it wow lots of sparkles.  She is actually wear two sets of wings at once  in these photos.  One is right on top of the other.  I wanted some fuzzy moth like wings and some sparkly like the stars.  So I mixed two to get a sort of look I was OK with.
The costume fits my youngest daughter the best but the photos of her did not come out as well as I would have liked.. So my middle daughter also was kind and put it on to take some photos for me  but it is not truly a good size for her unless she does not like to breath much.  But she said she felt pretty in it and would not mind wearing it in the future even if it was a little tight.  I use to donate the costumes to the school that I made but these days I make them but I keep them for my kids to have and use.  They get used more this way but they do not get as wrecked as easily as we can control their use.

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