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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Items for new niece

I have been making things for a new niece that was born just a few days ago.  I will put these in the mail today.  Sorry this is why the delay on the tutorials on heirloom sewing.  She is the 20th of my nieces and nephews but the first baby born from my siblings.  This doll has no shoulders it will look better on a real baby.  this doll is size newborn- 3 months that is why the rush to get them to her or she will out grow this dress.
dress for niece yoke detailsleeve detailhem detailbutton closure

onsies with added embelisments
more oncies with trimoncies with trim
There are actually two sets of booties in the package but the others are store bought silk ones and I didn't do any thing to them so I am not posting them.
Baby bonnet  was was going to make a pink one too but I think best to get this in the mail before she out grows the items.  She already has one bonnet by me that she was given long before her birth.
My oldest daughter crocheted around the burp cloths the rest I made.
burp clothes by my oldest daughter


  1. How lovely! That baby was showered! I feel lucky to crochet around ONE blanket as my gift.
    The items are beautiful and your sister probably feels so lucky to have such a talented sister and nieces. How wonderful to have your daughters help.

  2. Stunning dress, surely it will become a family heirloom

  3. Very sweet! I'm sure these items will be cherished. Having useful items that have personalized touches makes them very special.

  4. Is it possible to get the pattern for the white baby dress and the bonnet? I would love to make this for my baby that's coming in November. It's absolutely beautiful!

  5. Dress pattern is out of print it is in this book

    Bionnet is made from a block from the 1930's that I added to so it is out of my head one of a kind sorry

  6. I was able to pick up this leaflet on amazon and i saw your post on Raverly. approximately how long did it take you to make the dress. Did you use the cotton yarn specified in the pattern. sorry for all the answers. a friend of mine found this pattern but wants me to make a longer version of this dress as a Christening gown. I have been crocheting for over 30 years and it doesn't look too complicated. So I thought if I knew how long it took you to make the dress I can work out some timing for the rest. Super cute version though.

  7. Hi I just purchased this pattern the crochet for baby leaflet . and I saw your post on raverly. How long did it take you to make the dress.and did you use the cotton thread specifed in the pattern or different yarn etc. a friend pointed me towards this pattern as she wants me to make a christening gown with this pattern ( so obviously the skirt would be longer) I was just wondering. the pattern doesn't look too complicated and I have been crocheting for over 30 years so I will have no problems probably was just trying to give her a price and wanted to try to get the timing part worked out. Hope you don't mind sharing with me. Thanks

    1. Been to long since I made it to remember any details of how long of a time or hoew much thread or details at all. I make so much stuff. That what ever I posted on ravelry or my blog when I made is the best resource for information on what I did then
