Where do you want to go

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Grandma Harbaugh's yo-yos

close up of yo-yos

kitchen entryWhen my husbands grandmother died she had some sewing supplies.  They have since been divided among my sister-laws who sew and myself.  In the the items I chose was a small bunch of yo-yos that had been made but not sewn to anything.  So I sewed them together and framed them today I just love them so sweet and it is nice to have something from grandma, especially yo-yos.

She had a few more (3 and 1) in two different sizes which I will frame some time in the future.  Those are kind of fun as the paper template is still with one cut out from a newspaper with the date and all.
This is the entry way from my front room into my kitchen I think it goes well with the embroidery that I got from my old neighbor.

On the top shelf is the rocking horse my children used when they where just tikes but they have since out grown it so now it is a decoration.  The doll house is "The Littles" from when I was a kid.  It is a pretty cool little doll house has cast metal furniture that functions meaning drop leaf tables actually work.  This is sort of where childhood gets remembered on that shelf.  I have a few more things to put up there but I have to find them first in storage still working on that.
close up of area


  1. It turned out great. How wonderful that you were able to take something you got of grandma Harbaughs and turn it into something beautiful you can display in your home to always remember her by.

  2. It turned out great. How wonderful you can take something you got from grandma Harbaugh and turn it into something beautiful where you can display it in your home.

  3. Parabens,amiga;estou encantada com seus trabalhos;me deu idéia de como usar meus retalhos de tecido;bjos.
