Where do you want to go

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Irish Crochet Tam

I was looking at some thread I have that I got at a thrift store I had three of the same cream thread by Bernat :Cassino. It was such a nice color and weight that I thought it would be perfect for an embellished tam. I used 3 sizes of hooks in the process of making this size H, G for the hat and a size 6 steel for embellishments and hat band.

So I set to work on this, with out a pattern just crocheting what ever came into my head. I worked on it on and off . By bed time yesterday I had the hat made and all most all the flowers, leaves and vines done.
tam before embelishments
I used Romanian cord for the vines if you don't know what Romanian cord is go to my tutorial on it and you can make it too. I made one more flower this morning.
irish crochet embellishments

I spent the last 2 hours figuring out layout and stitching the embellishments on and added some antique mother of pearl buttons some are even antique ladies boot buttons. I just love boot buttons. There are five buttons total on the hat each button is in the center of a flower. For not having a pattern I think it came out well. Sometimes it is nice to just get an idea and go for it. I used every scrap of that thread that I had and got a pretty hat out of it.

the Update

pattern is now available

tamtam detailfront of tamtam front 2


  1. Your hat is gorgeous!! I love everthing about it.

  2. OMG...you did that without a pattern?!?!?!? You are so incredibly talented. Wow!

  3. It is amazing. I want one for me too!

  4. Your Tam is fantastic! You do such great work. You are really an inspiration to me!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  5. Sunshine, your creativity never ceases to amaze me, and pique my own curiosity and interest!

  6. This is BEAUTIFUL! You are an incredibly talented woman.

  7. I gotta make one! Beautiful work as always!

  8. That tam turned out just adorable!!

  9. ...lovely! If you ever write it down, I hope you can offer this as a pattern. I know many crafters out there would pay for such a beautiful pattern. I would, and I don't even crochet much :)

  10. I have just discovered this gorgeous piece of art. I am going to be a new grandmother, and am scouring the internet for little girl hats. Would you consider making this and allowing me to purchase it in a baby girl's size? I am a novice crocheter, and am just amazed by this!

  11. I was amazed seeing your finished project it is so beautiful
