Where do you want to go

Thursday, May 21, 2009

just like daughter

I had a doctor visit that I scheduled 6 months ago with a specialist. My daughter wanted me to take photos because after the appointment I was told I had to have an MRI. Since she had one, she wanted to see that Mae (mom) actually was going to have one, too. So the technicians were kind and took a few photos for her to see. Should I be concerned that I had to explain the camera about 5 times and they couldn't figure it out very well and they couldn't figure out how to turn it on (the words on/off are printed on the camera)? They also got blurry photos. These are the guys who are supposed to take good photos of the inside of me... should I be concerned here ;o)?
For those who are curious, I have stopped being a florist. I need to focus on me and my kids and husband right now. That is why I haven't blogged much; lots of stuff happening, as evident by these photos. Not going to go into all the details, but prayers are nice. I am hoping that this will also give me a little more time to get back to making things with my hands. I've missed it so much lately. I hope I will be able to produce more and post on here and go back to helping other people learn to do things with their hands. Not that floral work was not rewarding, it is just not the same. So you probably won't see too many more floral arrangements on this blog except for whatever is stuck in my camera right now that I haven't had time to post yet.

This just in for fun, I have a real cool sister-in-law, Becca, who takes real lovely photos. Check out her blog "Bliss" and please leave some nice feed back, and tell her Wendy sent ya.


  1. Lots of prayers that everything turns out ok.

  2. I would be worried too if the techs had such a hard time using a camera!

    O love your MRI machine! Ours is still the old fashioned claustrophobic tunnel. Very cramped quarters yuck!

    Fingers crossed that everything goes well for you.

  3. I am thinking about you and hope all is well. I am sending prayers your way.

  4. I have always loved dropping in on your blog and seeing the lovely things you make and enjoyed your generosity in your sharing. Now we can all share with you by sending our thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this time. God Bless
